Turn It Loose CrossFit: Forging Elite Fitness
Welcome to Turn It Loose CrossFit!
Established in 2021 to help local people better their lives through fitness.
Fitness Training for Life!
Food is fuel, use it wisely!
Private Training
Precisely tailored for you!
Gym Hours
Mon/Wed/Fri:Â 5am-9:30am, 3:00pm-6:00pm
Tue/Thur 5:00am-9:30am, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Sat: 9:00am-10:00am
Sun: Closed
Yay April! It’s really spring!
No April Fools jokes, I abhor that sort of thing, so this is a straight as it gets fam.
Remember the gym is closed next week, April 7-12 for renovations and cleaning (you probably won’t notice a thing, but it’ll take me all week smashing both gyms to get them rehabilitated for another year of deadlift debauchery and willful WOD wonderment) but this week is good to go 🙂
Sincerely, I hope you guys are headed off somewhere great for Spring Break, enjoying the time, getting some sun and resting your bodies. The Open was tough! Shoulders are sore, hips are sore, it’s OK to take a week and recover yourselves. I’ll be posting some home workout ideas and recommendations, but see them as just that, if you’ve got better things to do, DO THEM INSTEAD!
Monday: Clean Doubles for Heavy
Tuesday: “Mary” Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of: 5 Handstand Push-ups, 10 Alternating Pistols, 15 Pull-ups
Wednesday: 3 Rounds for Time: 400m Run, 40 Double Unders, 40 Hang Power Cleans 75/55, Rest 2 Minutes
Thursday: Bench Press 3 RM
Friday: “Christine” 3 Rounds for Time of: Row 500m, 21 Box Jumps 24/20, 12 Deadlifts 185/135
Saturday: Buddy Buddy Back Squats 3 Rounds of 5×5 135/95, 185/135, 225/165, 275/195, 315/225
Hey there thought I would share that I did my hydrostatic bodyfat test and which I had done four years ago when I was still doing ironmans (with same people so they still had my data) I have currently 5% less body fat and 14 more pounds of lean muscle mass! So thanks again Crossfit! Also proves not to get fixed on a certain weight.
I did something that I have not done in more than a decade. I bench pressed my body weight. I put up 250 in yesterdays class and I could have done more I think but I chose to be smart about it. Not often that you realize something you did a decade ago and haven’t done since and I couldn’t wait to tell my coach.
It’s great to be back after a winter of skiing. For the first time in four years I made it through the season with NO injuries! For me this was significant as I skied over 800,000 vertical feet this winter, in all kinds conditions, many of which were “ challenging”. After just 10 months of Crossfit I had much better stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, balance and coordination. Who knew, apparently skiing functions on the basis of functional movements from Core to Extremity. Now to start dialing it in for next season!
I feel at my age that there is no more time to waste. I want to get better, and stronger! The way I feel in my skin every waking minute is very important to me, the aesthetics are secondary, because if you are applying yourself that can’t help but happen. It’s the endurance, being stronger for everyday tasks.
By the way, I really appreciate your training. Today, for example, your patience helping me get low enough on the overhead squat. Working with the bar, then the pipe, then with weights, then without, and then with weights again until I finally got it. What a contrast to the super lousy trainer I had before you, but I didn’t realize how bad he was until we started training with you. He just trained me on machines and wouldn’t have me do any free weight squats, because he said I’d never get it. Way for him to inspire confidence, but also, I don’t think he had the patience or knowledge to coach the way you do. I doubt he even knew how to do Olympic lifts. So, thanks a lot! I’m really excited this next year to make lots more improvement.
Hey Jesse, I just spent three days biking the San Juans with no bike training whatsoever. My friend and I managed to bike 30+ miles of crazy island hills each day. I believe I owe it all to massive amounts of squats and regular Chi Gong conga lines.
Also, this friend of mine has always been in pretty killer shape. However, at one point we were climbing up on a lighthouse ledge that was about shoulder height. I managed to muscle my way up, she had to go to the other side where it was lower and shuffle her way along the ledge. She’s pretty jealous of CrossFit now.
After years of beating myself up with endurance training for biking, marathons and triathlons, I’m definitely in much better shape with CrossFit alone, and I can still kick some ass in the endurance sports.
Contact Us
9920 Edmonds Way
Edmonds Wa, 98020
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Specialization is for insects.