No April Fools jokes, I abhor that sort of thing, so this is a straight as it gets fam.

Remember the gym is closed next week, April 7-12 for renovations and cleaning (you probably won’t notice a thing, but it’ll take me all week smashing both gyms to get them rehabilitated for another year of deadlift debauchery and willful WOD wonderment) but this week is good to go 🙂

Sincerely, I hope you guys are headed off somewhere great for Spring Break, enjoying the time, getting some sun and resting your bodies. The Open was tough! Shoulders are sore, hips are sore, it’s OK to take a week and recover yourselves. I’ll be posting some home workout ideas and recommendations, but see them as just that, if you’ve got better things to do, DO THEM INSTEAD!


Monday: Clean Doubles for Heavy

Tuesday: “Mary” Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of: 5 Handstand Push-ups, 10 Alternating Pistols, 15 Pull-ups

Wednesday: 3 Rounds for Time: 400m Run, 40 Double Unders, 40 Hang Power Cleans 75/55, Rest 2 Minutes

Thursday: Bench Press 3 RM

Friday: “Christine” 3 Rounds for Time of: Row 500m, 21 Box Jumps 24/20, 12 Deadlifts 185/135

Saturday: Buddy Buddy Back Squats 3 Rounds of 5×5 135/95, 185/135, 225/165, 275/195, 315/225