YO! The week before Cornucopia! For your planning guys, we’re gonna run 8 and 9am Thursday the 28th at the Lynnwood Gym and then shut it down the rest of the week (you’ll be sore enough I wager!!). I hope you get to take some time to relax with your crew, watch some movies (not Hallmark) and recharge a bit. The Cornucopia WOD is a team workout, with 4 participants. If you want to make a team of 3, that’s OK y’all just better be FIT. If you wanna make a team of 5, that’s cool too, just be prepared that it’s a lot of waiting for your turn to do reps. Teams of 4 is the “Goldilocks” number, just right 🙂 Please remember that the workout really does take an hour, so by “8am” what I mean is get in the gym at 7:45am and be moving and warming up, and getting gear so we can start at 8:00am, and 9amers, remember that you’re walking into chaos, and you’re not gonna be done until 10:15 or so 🙂

I’m stoked for Thanksgiving though, it’s always a great time, people come from all over to join us, the gym is packed packed, it’s great 🙂 I hope to see you there!

Otherwise this week is uneventful, except for a slough of savage ass workouts!! Let’s go!


Monday: “Fran” for Time: 21-15-9 Thrusters 95/65, Pull-ups

Tuesday: Deadlift Max 1

Wednesday: Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of: 16 Alt. DB Snatches 50/35, 16 V-Ups, 32 DB Step Overs 50/35

Thursday: 5-2 Minute Rounds, with 3 minute rests between: 10 Ring Dips, Max Wall Ball Shots 20-10’/14-9′

Friday: Row 1000m 3x, rest as needed.

Saturday: “Strict Lynne” Bench Press at BW/.7BW and Strict Pull-ups, 5 Rounds max reps, rest as needed.