Remember guys! Sunday the 28th is the Rowing event! Those on the extra list are set up for the 12:30pm heat. I hope you’re in town and ready to have a good time rowing, eating and hanging out! The purple section on the whiteboard is for you guys to sign up to bring what you’ve picked. You’ll notice that there will be something: for example: “Pickles.” If you’re good to bring pickles, write your name after “pickles” and that claims it so everyone knows that you’re bringing pickles and we don’t have 5 people bringing pickles. With me? Should be awesome 🙂


Monday: Groups of 3! 5 Rounds for Time: Row 300m each (4500m total)

Tuesday: Max Rounds in 15 Mintues of: 7 Strict Pull-ups, 14 V-Ups, 21 Hollow Rocks, 28 Sit-ups

Wednesday: Max Rounds in 12 Minutes of: 3 Bar Muscle-Ups, 6 Pressing Snatch Balances 75/53, 9 Burpee Over Bars

Thursday: “Kelly” 5 rounds for time: 400m Run, 30 Box Jumps 24″/20″, 30 Wall Ball Shots 20-10’/14-9’

Friday: Turkish Get Up for 1 Rep Max, then, Trade Rounds with a Buddy: 20 GHD Sit-ups, Side Plank 45 Sec Left, Side Plank 45 Sec Right. 5 Rounds each

Saturday: Buddy Buddy Hang Power Cleans! 3×5 95/65, 115/80, 135/95, 155/105, 185/125