Juneteenth Week!!

Hey guys! Gym’s gonna be closed closed on Wednesday. We’ll do our tribute workout on Thursday (369th Hellfighters WOD) and then celebrate the beginning of summer on Friday with the SWOLESTICE!! HAhahah πŸ™‚ For those that don’t know, “SWOLE” is past tense for swollen, which morphs this simple descriptor into an infinitive adjective, rather than transitive. “The state of being swollen” if you will, which is nearly as much a mindset as a physical reality.

I hope everyone had a great Father’s Day (at least minorly comparable to Mother’s Day) and that if your Dad is gone now you don’t miss him too badly.

Heads up about the 4th of July: We’re gonna do a WOD + BBQ like we did for Murph, and the close the rest of the week like we do for Thanksgiving. I hope you can get out with your families and go somewhere fun, take a long weekend and enjoy it. School’s out, you’ve got the PTO, so dust off that bike, or paddle board, or pop-up camper and hit the nature! If that’s not your style, go book a room at Tulalip and smash the slot machines until the cows come home.

Lastly! I forget to bring this up all the time: if you want to pay for CrossFit with your HSA/FSA account instead of your income that’s already been taxed, only to pay more sales tax, so that I can pay B&O tax on your now thrice taxed dollar, check out TrueMed. I’ve got flyers on the front desk at Lynnwood, and I can send you the link in a minute. The gym doesn’t get a kick back or anything, it’s just a way to save you guys some money, stick it to the man, and make becoming and being fit a little bit easier.

Monday: Power Clean Max 3

Tuesday: “Fight Gone Bad”: Max Reps in 3 Rounds. 1 Minute of Wall Ball Shots 20-10/14-9, 1 Minute of Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 75/55, 1 Minute of Box Jumps 24/20, 1 Minute of Push Presses 75/55, 1 Minute of Rowing for Calories, 1 Minute of Rest

Wednesday: CLOSED for Juneteenth

Thursday: 369th HellFighters: 1500 Seconds (one for each casualty), 191 Days in the trenches, longer than any other American unit, 3/6/9 for the 369th Infantry. Enjoy this one!! Max Rounds in 1500 Seconds (25 minutes) starting with 191 Double Unders then: 3 Power Snatches 135/95, 6 Toes to Bar, 9 Box Jumps/Step-ups 24/20

Friday: I know the solstice is actually on Thursday, but it’s better if it’s a Friday πŸ™‚ “SWOLESTICE”: Strict Pull-ups 5×5, Barbell Biceps Curls 3×10, DB Hammer Curls 3×15, Barbell French Press 3×10, Banded Triceps Extensions 3xRM

Saturday: Teams of 2 for Max Handstand Stuff in 12 Minutes: 5 Deadlifts 315/225 (causes the rotation) and Max Handstand Stuff Option A: Handstand Pirouettes, Option B: 15ft Handstand Walking, Option C: Handstand Push-ups (and other assorted pressing scaling options)

Father’s Day??!

It’s on Sunday, so nothing special πŸ™‚

***NEW THING: Strength/Skill Workshops with Kayla! Starting Saturday, June 22nd running each weekend for the summer and beyond! Ask her for details, payment, times etc!***

Just a heads up about Juneteenth, it’s June 19th, and we’re gonna run a reduced schedule AM and PM type thing, I hope you can make it!

Monday: Back Squat Max 3

Tuesday: “Eva Strong” 5 Rounds (with a Partner) for Time, 24 Double-Unders (together), 19 Toes-to-Bars (split), 2 Clean-and-Jerks (205/135 lb) (split), 400 meter Run (together)

Wednesday: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes: 1 Muscle Up, 6 Ring Dips, 16 DB/KB Overhead Lunges 25/15 Each Hand

Thursday: GHD Run Down, 2k Row Time Trial

Friday: Daniel For Time: 50 Pull-Ups, 400 meter Run, 21 Thrusters (95/65 lb), 800 meter Run, 21 Thrusters (95/65 lb), 400 meter Run, 50 Pull-Ups

Saturday: With two buddies! X Overhead Squats 135/95, X V-ups, 4 Wall Walks – Use the Tape Lines like in the Open. Max Reps in 20 Minutes

June! The 6th Month

YO! Saturday we’ve got a Fundraiser for Doc Steve’s friend’s cause.

Here’s the link to check out the youtube video:

No schedule changes this week! Yippee! Next schedule things are Juneteenth (June 18th) and the Fourth of July (July 4th) so stay tuned for that but otherwise, as Vasquez says, “let’s rock!”

Monday: Bench Press 1 Rep Max, just for you CC

Tuesday: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: 9 Sumo DL High Pulls 115/75, 18 Stationary Lunges, 9 Push Jerks 115/75

Wednesday: For Time: 200m Runs between 10/9/8/7/…/2/1 Toes to Bars

Thursday: Power Snatch Max 3

Friday: 5 Rounds for Time of: Row 21/18 Calories, 12 Burpees to 12” Touch

Saturday: Kili Challenge Partner WOD: Trade rounds of reps, but run together. 10 Rounds for TIme 1 SDLHP 75/55, 9 Box Jumps 24/20, 3 Push Presses 75/55, 4 Power Cleans 75/55, 1 Thruster 75/55, Run 200m

Here’s a graphic that has more info πŸ™‚

Kili Challenge WOD 2024

Alright! Let’s Memorialize!

Murph Deets!

Scaling πŸ™‚ We do that! Have no fear, less reps may appear! And if the distance seems too far, that’s why you have a car! Ha πŸ™‚ Kidding, just run less far!

8am Class, come join in the workout! We’ll be scaling and taking extra time, plan for a 90 minute class more or less guys, I’m not gonna be there early, so don’t plan that you’re gonna be all stretched out and good to go at 9:00am! Ha πŸ™‚

4:00pm Class at Lynnwood: different kinda deal, I will be there early, if you wanna warm-up and talk scaling before 4pm, SMART, come do so πŸ™‚ We’ll be kicking off about as quickly as makes sense to and then we’ll switch into BBQ mode to be ready to eat tasty yumyums by 4:45-5:00pm or so.

The Gym is closed the rest of the day, no other classes.

Otherwise, normal week, Tue-Sat. Thanks guys! Look forward to helping you smash tomorrow!

Murph is next week!

Yo! We’re gonna have two options for y’all! 8:00am at Turn It Loose for the morning crews, and then the 4:00pm option will be at Lynnwood with a BBQ to follow about 4:45pm-ish as people finish up. You’re welcome to any and all options, come at 8:00am for the workout, then turn up for the BBQ, cool! Come at 8:00am then go about your day off, cool! Come at 4:00pm at Lynnwood and smash, then refill your glycogen stores with tasty chow, cool! The only uncool thing is to not do Murph on Monday. Hehe πŸ™‚

BBQ Details: Gym’s got the meats, if you want to bring, salty-crunchies, fizzy drinks, desserts etc. Please do!

Otherwise, Monday the 27th the gym is closed, no other classes. Thanks!!!


Monday: Lynne

Tuesday: For Time: 10/8/6/4/2 Pressing Snatch Balances 95/65 and 10/20/30/40/50 Double Unders

Wednesday: Every 2 Minutes for 20 Minutes: Max L-Support on Rings, 15ft Handstand Walk, 12 KB Swings 70/53

Thursday: Wood 5 Rounds For Time, 400 meter Run, 10 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20 in), 10 Sumo-Deadlift High-Pulls (95/65 lb), 10 Thrusters (95/65 lb), 1 minute Rest

Friday: 4 Rounds for Max GHD Sit-ups 2 Minutes Work/ 1 Minute rest: Row 400m, Max GHD Sit-ups

Saturday: Max Get-ups in 25 Minutes: Teams of 3: Partner 1 and 2 400m Together, each Carrying a weight plate (45/25), Partner 3 Does Max Turkish Get-ups 53/36. Partner 1 becomes partner 2, partner 2 becomes partner 3, and partner 3 becomes partner 1.

Mid-May!? Fun time having flies, so the frog sayeth


Monday: Deadlift for Max

Tuesday: Max Rounds in 10 Minutes of: 3 Bar Muscle-Ups, 3 Box Jumps 30/24, 3 HSPU Hands on 45lb Plates

Wednesday: Nakba Day: For Time: 974m Row, 5 Rounds of: 15 HSQCL 75/55, 31 Ab Mat Sit-ups, 70 Dubs, 974m Row to Finish

Thursday: Thruster 5 Rep Max

Friday: 800m Run, 30 Ring Dips, 800m Run, 30 L-Pull-ups, 800m Run, 30 Alternating Pistols For Time

Saturday: With a partner: Double Grace, 60 Clean and Jerks in sets of 3 for time. I go, you go. Margo does 3, Jess does her 3, that’s 6 of the 60 reps they’ve got to do.

You aren’t going to get the butt you want by sitting on the one you have

Your first class is always free. Check us out!