Weekend Confirmation!
Saturday’s 5k Row is at the Sunset School Park. Remember, we’re gonna START rowing at the appointed times, so be a little early to move around and get ready! We’ve got over 30 people signed up!!! Way to be guys!
Sunday’s Snowshoeing, we’re gonna meet up at the Steven’s Pass Nordic Center at 10:00am. Leave whenever you think is good, bring whatever you need, the gym is supplying nothing except friendship and accompaniment, like a good guitarist does for a band. See you up there!!
Big Weekend!
NO CLASS AT 9:00am
5k Row Event at 9:00am
Currently we’re thinking to go to the Sunset School Park in Edmonds by Richmond Beach. If the numbers are low, we’ll be smashing this at LCF with fans and doors and some people outside and all that good stuff.
REGISTER FOR THE ROW PLEASE so I don’t change venue and mess everything up.
Meet at Stevens Pass Nordic Center at 10:00am for a Snowshoe Trip! Bring your own everything, food, water, clothes, snowshoes, boots, socks, other socks, gloves, handwarmers, first aid kit, woobie, whatever.
Fridays are for the Jerks 🙂
Gotta learn the Jerk! It’s a serious bit of coordination! Let’s take the time to really learn the move, and then see how much we can get for a double in it! Time to break out the blocks!!
The Workout:
Jerk Max 2
This couplet should prove difficult!
So yeah, you go back and forth between the Alternating DB Snatches, and Push-ups. 6 Alt. Snatches, and then 30 Push-ups, then 12 and 24 and so forth.
Remember guys! Snowshoeing Sunday! Stevens Pass Nordic Center, 10:00am, be there or be square! Saturday, ROW 5K with friends, stay tuned for details. ALSO: register in the gym so I know who’s coming and so I can communicate with you!
The Workout:
For Time:
Alternating DB Snatches 50/35
Another Great Named Workout!
Scaling, scaling, scaling! Remember guys, we’re gonna modify this workout to fit 1) your specific physical needs, 2) any orthopedic needs you have, and 3) any training goals you have too! Lighter KB’s, different pull-ups, biking instead of running etc. etc. Your coaches whole mission in their gym life is to get you as fit as possible, which means changing things so that you can do really well, and try really hard at this workout! It’s not easy to do CrossFit, and it’s not easy to be a coach for it, lots of things to do and many ways to help people get better, let us help you!
The Workout:
3 rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 KB Swings 53/35
12 Pull Ups
Tuesday! What better day to make your legs stronger!
The Workout:
Back Squat x3
Remember guys, just because there’s not a “sweaty time” doesn’t mean that a) you’re not gonna get sweaty, and b) that getting stronger isn’t going to help you in the future.
I don’t know why I’m so into double negatives with this post…