Yay April! It’s really spring!
No April Fools jokes, I abhor that sort of thing, so this is a straight as it gets fam.
Remember the gym is closed next week, April 7-12 for renovations and cleaning (you probably won’t notice a thing, but it’ll take me all week smashing both gyms to get them rehabilitated for another year of deadlift debauchery and willful WOD wonderment) but this week is good to go 🙂
Sincerely, I hope you guys are headed off somewhere great for Spring Break, enjoying the time, getting some sun and resting your bodies. The Open was tough! Shoulders are sore, hips are sore, it’s OK to take a week and recover yourselves. I’ll be posting some home workout ideas and recommendations, but see them as just that, if you’ve got better things to do, DO THEM INSTEAD!
Monday: Clean Doubles for Heavy
Tuesday: “Mary” Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of: 5 Handstand Push-ups, 10 Alternating Pistols, 15 Pull-ups
Wednesday: 3 Rounds for Time: 400m Run, 40 Double Unders, 40 Hang Power Cleans 75/55, Rest 2 Minutes
Thursday: Bench Press 3 RM
Friday: “Christine” 3 Rounds for Time of: Row 500m, 21 Box Jumps 24/20, 12 Deadlifts 185/135
Saturday: Buddy Buddy Back Squats 3 Rounds of 5×5 135/95, 185/135, 225/165, 275/195, 315/225
It’s almost April!
Nothing out of the ordinary this week, except I suppose the 5k Run on Saturday! Scaling should be done! Less distance, and all the way down to some shorter interval runs on the treadmills, or heck even dragging sleds! Try to make an effort to come and train your running Saturday. It’s not about suffering through 3 miles of running, it’s about getting better at running, regardless of where you are on your running journey!
Here is the proposed route, it has very few street crossings, and all we need to add to it is a lap around the bank and Ivar’s and boom you’re just over three miles.
Monday: “Kelly” 5 Rounds for time of: 400m Run, 30 Box Jumps 24″/20″, 30 Wall Ball Shots 20-10′, 14-9′
Tuesday: Dips Max 3, Pull-ups Max 3
Wednesday: “Isabel” 30 Snatches 135/95, for time
Thursday: “Jackie” For time: 1000m Row, 50 Thrusters 45/35, 30 Pull-ups
Friday: Jerk Max 5
Saturday: 5k Run
Woohooo we made it!
We made it you guys! Thanks for all your help setting up, tearing down, judging, jumping in to change people’s weights, staying for the next few heats, spending extra time getting your moves sorted out. You guys rock. Special shout out to Sis for printing everything for Lynnwood’s day and big nights. And shout out to Eileen for going in HOT every Friday morning to Edmonds and rocking it solo. Bad ass.
Nutrition Talk Wednesday night 6:15pm at Lynnwood. Carrie and I will be talking about food stuff. I do think this is a vitally important part of the CrossFit prescription and methodology, please try and make the time to come hear what we have to say.
Remember that we’re closed for April 7-12 coming up for renovations and cleaning.
Please read to the bottom I’ve got a fundraising ask for a colleague’s family. Hugs
Monday: Push Press 1 Rep Max
Tuesday: “Barraza” AMRAP in 18 minutes, 200 meter Run, 9 Deadlift (275/185 lb), 6 Burpee Bar Muscle-Ups
Wednesday: Back Squat Max 3
Thursday: Max Rounds in 12 Minutes of: 8 Alternating Pistols, 12 Alt. DB Split Snatches 50/35, 16 GHD Sit-ups
Friday: The Complex for Max: 1 Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 3 Power Cleans, 5 Hang Squat Cleans. Gotta do 7 rounds in the session.
Saturday: Teams of 4: Max Reps in 15 minutes: 40 Double Unders Causes the team to rotate, Max Push-ups, Max DB Step Overs 50/35, GHD Facedown Hold
Raise Money for McCoy’s Family. He’s a fellow Red Shirt (Seminar Staff Member) with CrossFit, he worked in Asia. Very sad thing.
McCoy ‘Topsy’ Turner grew up in Lossiemouth, Scotland and joined the British Royal Navy in 2000 where he served for 17 years as Physical Training Instructor, specializing as an Exercise Rehabilitation Instructor, serving on several deployments including a tour of Afghanistan as part of Op.Herrick 14.
After being medically discharged in 2017, McCoy relocated to Bali in Indonesia where he continued to work for CrossFit Seminar Staff as a ‘Red Shirt’ where he went on to achieve the status of Level 4 Coach, FlowMaster and CrossFit Coaching Mentor. Delivering 256 CrossFit L1 & L2 Coaching seminars across Europe and Asia.
After a long and often silent battle with complex PTSD, it is with deepest sorrow that we must inform you of his passing on Saturday 8th March 2025, where he took the decision to end his own life.
We hope that his friends, Military Oppos and the global CrossFit Communities will reach out and support one of the very best men I have had the pleasure to know, by now, supporting his children. It is our aim to raise funds that will go to assist his two sons Brodie, 17 and Tommy, 13 as they navigate the next extremely difficult chapter of their lives without their father.
Aaaand Week 3!
And just like that, it’s almost over! Bittersweet for sure. Remember: Nutrition Talk Wednesday the 19th 6:15pm, yourself and +1s are great to come. If you’re bringing kids, this isn’t the time to stick to your guns on being device free (the gym is too fun for kids to be unplugged, it’ll be super distracting). A few people have asked me “is this going to be like CrossFit nutrition?” The subject of the talk is on foods relation to stress, hormones, gym results, different diseases (osteoporosis and dementia etc.) and what you can do to combat these ills.
LOOMING FITNESS CHALLENGE: 5k Run March 29th! If you wanna start training a little bit, some running would do you well, how about 1 minute running, 2 minutes walking for 15-24 minutes? We’ll do some more warm-ups that way in the gym, but it’s about to get consistently more nice out, which means running is back on the menu!
Monday: For Time: Row 35/25 Cals, 30 Toe to Bars, Row 35/25 Cals, 8 Wall Walks, Row 35/25 Cals, 30 Power Snatches 115/75
Tuesday: Clean Max 3
Wednesday: Max Rounds in 10 Minutes of: 12 Sumo DL High Pull 75/55, 12 Overheqd Squat 75/55, 12 Push Press 75/55
Thursday: Gymnastics! L-Sit, Cartwheel, Skin the Cat, Pistols
Friday: 25.3
Saturday: TBD
Week 2!
Way to go you guys! I saw wonderful all out efforts all day Friday, very cool 🙂 This is week 2, I hope you’re not too sore, we’ll make a good week of training and then gear up for Friday again!!
We’re going to host a nutrition lecture 6:15pm Wednesday the 19th at Lynnwood. We’ve been meaning to do this for a while now, but scheduling is brutal, and if it’s not sometime during the week, it’ll be all the way out in Mid-april when many people will be on Spring break! The sign-ups will be on the boards 🙂
Thanks you guys!!
Monday: 5 Rounds for Max Reps of: Handstand Push-ups, Bent Over Rows 135/95, rest as needed between sets. Just like Lynne
Tuesday: Front Squat Max 3
Wednesday: AMRAP in 20 minutes of: 15 Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 Pood), 20 Box Jumps (24/20 in), 25 Ab Mat Sit-ups
Thursday: Gymnastics! L-Hangs, Pistols, Bar Muscle-ups, Tri-Pod Handstand/Crow/Press to Handstand
Friday: 25.2
Saturday: TBD
It’s here! The Open!
Alright! The wait is (almost) over! Details:
Friday: during the day we’ll run 25.1, Friday night we’ll only have classes at Lynnwood (NO PM CLASSES AT TIL), starting at 4:15pm we’ll be running heats until we’re all done for the night. Shouldn’t take forever, but do plan on a few hours, and make it a fun Friday night thing! Be ready to help people, judge people (count reps), and generally be your cool selves :). If you’ve never been to Lynnwood before, you’ll have to do a waiver at the front real quick, but no big deal!
It doesn’t matter if you’re registered or not, if you want to come have fun and do the workout, join in!! See you there 🙂
Monday: “The Chief” 5, 4 Minute Rounds: 3 min on, 1 min rest. Max Rounds of 3 Power Cleans 135/95, 6 Push-ups, 9 Air Squats
Tuesday: Every 3 minutes for 24 Minutes: 5 Push Jerks 185/135, 5 Front Squats 185/135, 25′ Burpee Broad Jumps
Wednesday: Max Rounds in 7 Minutes of: 12 Cal Row, 8 Power Snatch 95/65
Thursday: Gymnastics! L-Sits, Handstand Work, Pistol Progression, Plank Variations
Friday: 25.1
Saturday: TBD