Labor Day Weekend!
YO! Please consider donating for the two houses we’re building in Roatan Honduras in Novemeber:
Tax Deductible, cool, and life changing for these two families. If you can spread the word to people who might be interested in donating, please send them the link and have them contact me for information. If you’re thinking that you’d like to go build houses in Honduras, let me know and I can hook you up with the group that’s making this happen!
***NOTICE: Gym is closed Saturday, and Monday for Labor Day***. Fall and Winter is coming fam, enjoy this weekend, and we’ll see you in September ready for mayhem, muscles, and might! Thanks for a great summer!
The Workouts:
Monday: Bench Press for Max 5
Tuesday: Arnie For time with a 70/53lb KB: 21 Turkish Get-Ups Right, 50 KB Swings, 21 Overhead Squats Left, 50 KB Swings, 21 Overhead Squats Right, 50 KB Swings, 21 Turkish Get-Ups Left
Wednesday: “Holleyman” 30 rounds for time: 5 Wall Ball Shots 20-10’/14-9′, 3 Handstand Push-Ups, 1 Power Clean 225/155
Thursday: 500m Row x4 Rest as needed
Friday: Max Rounds in 12 Minutes of: Bear Crawl 90 feet, Do this complex as best you can: “L Pull-up, Strict Pull-up, C2B Kipping Pull-up, Kipping Pull-up, Toe to Bar, Knee to Elbow”
Saturday: Closed, rest up! September is coming… Remember from last week, there’s Still 94 workouts left this year even though we’re closed Saturday and Monday! Your coaches are not fitness machines, we are people too and we need rest as a team to recuperate to give you our very best early in the morning and after work. Thanks!!
Last full week of August guys! ALSO there are 100 more training days in the gym this year! And what a year it’s been!! How many can you get? For your planning we’ve got a few three day weekends coming up (labor day, veterans day, thanksgiving) and we are closed the week between Christmas and New Years, but that gives you exactly 100 more opportunities to get healthy, strong and fit this year. I think it’s plenty!! Plan accordingly and let’s make it happen!
HUGE CONGRATS TO ALL YOU WHO DID CHAD!!! I was stoked and humbled to see the pics you sent over text, so bad ass.
ALSO: I’ve been asked to help the Blackwood Builders Group and the Dwellings Non-Profit Group to build two houses in Roatan Honduras November 5th-12th. I’m excited to go down to the equator and sweat my face off building two houses for a couple families in need. Over the next few weeks I’ll be adding their information to the blog and posting more about it in hopes that you guys will help me raise funds for the building expenses. It’s tax deductible, it’s life changing for the families, and you’ll feel good knowing that you’re helping.
I make a point of not doing a ton of fundraising events in the gyms because I feel like it’s unfair to constantly be asking you guys for this sort of thing. There’s hundreds of CrossFit Type Fundraising Events, it’s nuts. So in lieu of doing something like that monthly, let’s make this special and really help two families get their start.
Here’s the link to get the donations rolling!
The Workouts:
Monday: Angie For time: 100 pull-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats
Tuesday: Deadlift Max 3
Wednesday: Push Press x5 with Double Unders in Between – like practice for those that need it, or testing for 50/100 etc.
For Time:
50 Burpees
50 Wallball Shots 20-10/14-9
25 Knees to Elbows
30 Burpees
30 Wallball Shots 20-10/14-9
15 Knees to Elbows
10 Burpees
10 Wallball Shots 20-10/14-9
5 Knees to Elbows
Friday: Pull-up Day! If you wanna get better on Pull-ups, SHOW UP!
Games: Max Weighted, False Grip On Rings, Chest to Ring False Grip, “L”, Strict, Chest to Bar Kipping, or Strict, Tabata Jumping or Kipping, Hang for Time, Negatives (20 is the limit), Banded for Max or Hella Reps, Barbell Bent Over Rows, DB Rows, Kipping Swings with Forearm Curls ETC.
With a buddy, alternate minutes of rowing (max distance) and L-Sit Holding (Joy)
20 Minute clock.
Oh this is gonna be a big week 🙂
Heads up guys!!
Gym’s gonna be closed Friday. A few reasons, Camp Muir is happening, and a few coaches are gone on vacation, AND the workout is “Chad.”
“Chad Wilkinson”
For Time
1,000 Box Step-Ups (20/16)
Wear a BackPack (45/35)
I know it sounds totally nuts. There’s no better place to do this than at home. Get something sturdy to get onto: get a backpack and load it up with stuff that’s heavy enough. Get some drinks, and snacks, some good tunes for vibes, and get stepping! When you go into this workout, know that your pace will be slow. You’ll break a lot, that’s OK!! Take your breaks and then get back on the box 🙂
This memorial WOD will straight up feel like one of the most challenging workouts you’ll ever do. You’ll want to quit at least a few times. But when you make it to the finish line, you’ll feel both exhausted (physically and mentally) and extremely accomplished. And if you keep Chad Michael Wilkinson in your mind during all 1,000 reps, you’ll also feel like you’ve properly honored a fellow human being.
Scaling Options
This workout is meant to be grueling and long. About an hour or more for most athletes is assumed you guys!
Most of us should significantly scale the volume and/or the load to stay safe. The prescribed version of this workout should only be tackled by well-seasoned athletes, who are stoked about getting really really messed up sore 🙂
Scale 1:
For Time
500 Box Step-Ups (16/12 in)
Wear a Ruck Pack (25/15 lb)
Scale 2:
For Time
200 Box Step-Ups (16/12 in)
No Weighted Ruck
The rest of the week is planned out: but it’s gonna be a mystery week for you guys!! That means a couple things: no rope climbs! You’re safe. Yes bring your running shoes Wednesday, Lifters on Saturday. Other than that, no peeking! See you in class!!!
Next week has BIG STUFF!
YO! Next week (not this week) we’ve got two big things: A Climb to Camp Muir (base camp to summit Mt. Rainier) and a 10k Row!
What you’re thinking is correct: neither of these is a joke.
Camp Muir: Excerpt from the Washington Trails Association Website:
Friday August 19th, time TBA – early is better 🙂
From the stairs behind the visitors center, follow the Skyline Trail past Glacier Vista and through a hairpin switchback. Shortly thereafter, turn left along a small creek -– a sign points to Pebble Creek and Camp Muir. At roughly two miles, pass through the Pebble Creek drainage. This rocky gully is your last source of water, short of melting snow. In the soft light of dusk or dawn, it is an enchanting spot, filled with the gentle sound of Pebble Creek spilling over the plate-like rocks.
Even in late summer, the trail is snow-covered upon reaching the Muir Snowfield. It is here that the real climb begins. The snowfield undulates, at first quite steeply, over mounded snow. Mount Adams, Mount St. Helens, and Mount Hood come rapidly into view above the Tatoosh Range to the south. The terrain flattens out somewhat above 8,000 feet, but offers little relief as the air grows noticeably thinner. Camp Muir comes into view around 9,000 feet. It looks so close, yet seems to grow no closer –- the last 250 vertical feet, marked by a rocky ridge to your right, feel interminable, even for strong climbers.
As you reach the respite of Camp Muir, gaze out across the Cowlitz Glacier to the towering mass of Gibraltar Rock, the steep walls of Cathedral Rock, and Little Tahoma, which seems dwarfed by the other features, despite being the third highest peak in the state. A small tent city populated by climbers headed to the summit stretches out onto the glacier.
Two stone structures at either end of the saddle – one a guide hut, one a public shelter for climbers – are every bit as old as they look, having stood here for nearly a century. Camp Muir’s history stretches back even further – once known as “Cloud Camp,” it was re-named for naturalist John Muir after his ascent to the summit in 1888. During his party’s climb, he suggested it as a good spot to camp in the mistaken belief that it would provide shelter from the wind. Following his visit, Muir went on to play a major role in the campaign to establish Mount Rainier as a national park.
From Jesse:
In 4 Miles, you gain 4640 vertical feet. Then you gotta come back down through it, typically falling/slipping A LOT. Mostly in a terribly sunny snow field where you get sunburned and blinded without glasses/goggles. If weather comes in it’s easy to lose your way in the unmarked vastness when foggy leading you naturally towards the Nisqually side (crevasses) so GPS planning is important. No water stops after the creek outside the visitor center. Furthermore, while this is a “Gym” thing, please recognize that this is legitimately hard, and dangerous, and what that means is that I’m not “Dad” for that day. It’s hard for me too! I don’t have extra medical supplies, water, hiking poles, or energy to carry things for you to help out. I do think it’s rad if you come, I’m excited to share the trail with you, enjoy the views, commiserate over cramping, but I can’t be responsible for your safety, guidance, or anything else, it’s hard enough for just me!! So please think seriously about this before deciding to attend. Proper shoes, spikes, GPS, gear, glasses, sunscreen, FITNESS, happy knees, etc. etc. etc. go into this. If you wanna talk with me about it, please email me or pull me aside sometime and we’ll sort it out! HUGS!
10k ROW at C.C.’s House in Edmonds!
Sunday August 21st
This is going to be awesome! C.C. has been kind enough to let us invade his pad for this event. BONUS: he’s got a swimming pool for when you’re done rowing! The rowers all go on his level long patch of lawn, we row with the breeze and scent of summer flowers punctuated by children’s laughter and splashing, while the BBQ flames on Steaks, Burgers and Dogs. Once you’ve completed your 10,000m Row, you stumble from rower into the cool refreshing pool to regain your senses. Upon emerging from your hydrous bivouac, you are greeted with a “good job!” and a burger. The heats of rowers roll on through the afternoon, 10 at a whack, people and families come and go on another idyllic summer row session.
I cant’ wait. Sign-ups, time, address, and what to brings, in the gym, pic your time slots!
Monday: Elizabeth For time: 21-15-9 Power Cleans 135/95, Ring Dips
Tuesday: Overhead Squat Max 5
Wednesday: 3 Rounds for Time of: Run 300m, 21 KB Swings 53/35, 12 Push Jerks 135/95
Thursday: “Erin” 5 Rounds for Time: 15 DB Split Cleans 40/30, 21 Pull-Ups
Friday: Row 2k
Saturday: Partner Workout: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: 5 Partner Sumo Deadlifts (Grab the ends of the barbell) 405/315, 10 Synchro Toes to Bars, 15 Buddy Wall Ball Shots 20-10’/14-9′, 20 Buddy Ab Mat Sit-ups w/ Med Ball
The CrossFit Games!
Hey guys! I’ll be gone this week, please hold back the streaming tears. Find me on TV! Is the website that’ll have all the deets and the live events playing. I’ll be stoic AF in the background looking TALL and muscle-free in comparison to these stellar athletes!
Kids and Teens are on this week! 1:30pm Tue/Thur Teens at LCF, and 4:15 Tue/Thur Littles at TIL, registration is on last weeks post if you missed it!
The Workouts:
Monday: Jackie For time: 1000m row, 50 thrusters 45/35, 30 pull-ups
Tuesday: 3 Rounds for Time of: 10 Back Squats 225/155, 20 Push-ups, 10 Power Snatches 115/85 Rest 3 Minutes
Wednesday: 3-6-9-12-15 For Time of: Burpees, GHD Sit-Ups, with a 200m Run each round
Thursday: “Christine” 3 Rounds for Time of: 500m Row, 12 Deadlifts 185/135, 21 Box Jumps 24/20
Friday: 30 Muscle-ups for Time
Saturday: Tl;dr come and train, you’ll be fitter for it 🙂
Trade Rounds with your Buddy!
Rx Version: 2 Strict Pull-ups, 2 Kipping Pull-ups, 2 Toes to Bars, 2 Skin the Cats, 2 Squat Cleans Heavy
Scale Option A Version: 2 Banded Strict Pull-ups, 2 Banded Kipping Pull-ups, dump the band, 2 Hanging Knee Raises, Max L Hang, 2 Squat Cleans Heavy
Scale Option Version 1: 2 Heavy Ring Rows, 2 Light Ring Rows, 2 Ring Row Walking Negatives, 2 Toes to Straps, Max Hollow Rock Hold, 2 Squat Cleans Heavy
We Got Shirts Guys!!!
All the deets for classes, workouts, kids and stuff is on the post just before this one, rather than clutter that post with all this stuff I figured I’d just make a new post about shirts!
Check out Bonfire!
The Shirts WILL NOT be sold in the gym. I’ve always managed to lose my tail on shirts until using Bonfire, even with the help of a professional orderer (Nordstrom!) I couldn’t get the sizes right and ended up with so many shirts left over that we were negative on the order. NOT WORTH IT! But this way you get the color options you want, the sizes you want, and the different styles and cuts of shirts you want. TOO COOL.
Jump on there, grab it up, and represent for the Tugboats!!