Hey guys, I’m gone, so be good kids in class OK!!!

As per usual though, I leave, and there’s a huge windstorm and people are out of power and stuff! Sheeeesh 🙂

Roatan is really nice, very hot, very humid. We got to meet some of the local people for whom we’ve built homes from before, they’re very hospitable and shy, and truly live in squalor. It’s pretty wild what home is like here. One of the children with us who’s from Seattle, said with a drawn face after about 15 minutes checking out this families home (that’s quite nice by local standards, because it’s been built through the dwellingsnow network) “they live here all the time?” Thinking to himself how that seemed impossible to him. Amazing.

Big thanks for helping to raise money to build these homes, the people here need it. Straight up.

The Workouts:

Monday: Military Press for Max 3 – then- Annie For time: 50-40-30-20-10 Double unders, sit-ups

Tuesday: 4 Rounds for Time of: 12 Thrusters 95/65, 8 Power Snatches 95/65, 6 Burpees Over Bar

Wednesday: Build to a Heavy Ring Dip or Bar Dip -then- 10-1 Dips with a 200m Run between

Thursday: 1000m Row, 3 Rounds each for time, rest as needed.

Friday: Badger 3 rounds for time: 30 Squat Cleans 95/65, 30 Pull-Ups, 800m Run

Saturday: Buddy Buddy Deadlifts, 3 rounds of 5×5 Deadlifts with Ascending weights.