June! And it’s still (t)raining! Ugh.
Thanks for being so awesome guys! We had lots of visitors last week! Let’s encourage them to stick around and make our gym better! I don’t feel like anyone regrets doing CrossFit who’s really been doing it well for a period of time, same for these folks who took the chance, stopped in, and made it happen 🙂
Monday: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: 1 L-Pull-Up, 3 Strict Pull-ups, 5 Kipping Pull-ups, 9 Burpees Over Bar. Each 3 Minutes do 9 Front Squats 155/105
Tuesday: Isabel For time: 30 snatches 135/95. Yep that’s it 🙂
Wednesday: 3 Rounds for Time of 400m Run, 21 Push-ups, 12 KB Swings 70/53
Thursday: Back Squat, Max 5, and a set of 20 all out afterwards
Friday: Drag Races! Bench 3 Reps HEAVY, Row 300m ALL out! 5 Rounds, rest as needed
Saturday: “359th HellFighters”: 1500 Seconds (one for each casualty), 191 Days in the trenches, longer than any other American unit, 3/6/9 for the 369th Infantry. Enjoy this one!!
Max Rounds in 1500 Seconds (25 minutes) starting with 191 Double Unders then: 3 Power Snatches 135/95, 6 Toes to Bar, 9 Box Jumps/Step-ups 24/20
Friends and Family Week!
It’s finally here guys!
Totally free week for people trying out the gym! Between you and me, I think it’s truly odd that gym culture has the mentality that it has to be free to try it out. What other realm of service is the first time free? Massage, no way. Restaurants, I’d like to try your steak and see if it’s good first. Ha! Grocery Stores, is there asparagus tasty? HA! Bars, is the combination of a cosmopolitan and these cheese curds work my $25? HA! Therapist or Psychologist? No Way! I don’t even think a proper drug dealer will give you the first hit free anymore, and those guys stand to make a lot more money that I do! HA 🙂
I think it’s because for the last I dunno 100 years fitness has been promoted by mainly charlatans and hucksters. The likes of Charles Atlas selling a book through the mail about flexing your muscles to get big and strong. Pay first, get fleeced. The bodybuilding psychosis of the 70’s and 80’s, where the only real way to make progress is with steriods even though everyone lied about it. Now with CrossFit we have measurable, repeatable, data on what works, and what doesn’t. It’s your workouts. It’s your results. As your ability in workouts improves there is beyond any doubt that you are fitter than before. Repeat the process, do the food, get the rest, and the results will come. Progress is not optional, diligence is! If you’re not tracking your training then you’re just doing workouts, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll get fitter. Which is where most gyms miss the mark. They provide tough workouts without any thought as to progression of the athlete their training. Everything we do has an ulterior motive behind it, a harder move down the road, a heavier lift later, a more complex version etc. etc. etc. The journey is like that of a musician, it’s never “done” all that happens is that you are mastered by the craft, instead of the other way around.
You’ll notice a lot of general changes to the WOD style, this is only to help the new peeps not feel left behind and finishing last, and feeling that pressure. Encourage them to move well, not to do too many reps, and to be clear that they should “stay within their abilities” i.e. should feel good the whole time. Thanks for helping people to come back! Or to come for the first time!
Monday: Two Minutes of Filthies For reps:
Box Jumps 24″/20″, Jumping Pull-ups, KB Swings 35/26, Walking Lunges, Knees-to-Elbows, Push Press 45/35, Back Extensions, Wall Ball shots 20/14, Burpees, Double Unders
Do 2 Minutes at each station for max reps.
Tuesday: Press Max 5, also 8 minutes of 16 Push-Ups, 16 Ab Mat Sit-ups
Wednesday: Almost Daniel For reps:
3 Minutes Strict Pull-Ups, 2 Minutes Shuttle Runs, 1 Minute Thrusters 95/65, 4 Minutes Shuttle Runs, 1 Minute Thrusters 95/65, 2 Minutes Shuttle Runs, 3 Minutes Strict Pull-Ups
No time allotted for rotation. Count up and record scores during the transitions.
Thursday: Deadlifts Max 5, Accessories for Glutes and Hamstrings if time, and 3 Rounds of Planks, Bridges.
Be prepared to work the deadlift in myriad special ways to ensure both your safety and your continued progress!
Friday: 6 Rounds for Time of: 35 Double Unders and 7 Hang Squat Snatches 135/95, scaled option: 35 Single Unders and 7 DB Snatches.
Saturday: Team Workout! 90 Seconds Each Round, Row, Plank, Rest. 5 Rounds for the whole crew!
Memorial Day Week!
Thanks for making Murph amazing! We had 42 people in total come through and dominate!! So cool I haven’t been around that kind of energy in a while, and it was good! It was palpable in the gym afterwards, everyone sitting around on boxes, smashing burgers and sides, hitting a fizzy water, laughing and carrying on 🙂 Even a few old friends crashed the party! Always cool to have events for that reason, you never know who’s gonna turn up! Thanks
Friends and Family Week! The week after this one: June 6th through 11th!
It’s gonna cost a fortune in payroll but we’re going to double staff the classes that week so that we have an extra hand on deck to help with waivers, extra questions, more attention to scaling, everything that you wish you’d have had when you first joined up 🙂 Or if you’re a crazy person (like so many of us) where your first workout you were WRECKED and you instantly loved it, remember (please) that most/many people do not love this feeling, and are looking to be built up into the program as opposed to utterly annihilated by it. These people should have and love CrossFit too! This is why we’re doing this week this way! To help the timid, beat up, tried before and hated it, spouses, cousins, that one guy from work, you name it! Your referrals are ultimately how this gym will thrive and afford new equipment, on going coaches training, events, further additions to the building etc. etc. Remember: it’s capitalism, grow or die. We need your help!
Please let me know how I can help you with your friends. Our website is solid, the pictures are OK, the coaches are in there, the content is from the heart and sound. The schedule is right, the blog is updated etc. I’ve gotten a facebook group going, and instagram etc. But these things aren’t what’s needed. What’s needed is “hey, I go at 7:00am, come with me!” Or “yeah they have classes, 3, 4, and 5pm M/W/F, which one are you gonna jump into?” Or, “yeah, text Jesse. Here’s his number, he’s nuts, but the good kind, and he can answer that question.” The old “yeah, check them out on Instagram.” Probably isn’t gonna work 🙂
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: Drag Races: 5 Squat Snatches (how much can you use?) into 400m Row, rest (coach runs this), repeat 5x
Wednesday: 3 Ring Muscle-ups/Strict Pull-ups, 5 Handstand Push-ups, 7 Front Squats 135/95 Max Rounds in 12 Minutes
Thursday: 3 Rounds for Time of: 600m Run, 40 Overhead Lunges 45/25, 20 Box Jumps 24″/20″
Friday: “Lynne” 5 rounds for Max Reps: Bench Press bw/.75bw, Pull-ups, rest as needed between rounds
Saturday: Fight Gone Bad!!!
Murph Week!!!
Here we go guys! We’re gonna have Saturday’s event at Lynnwood at 11:00am to start start at 11:30am. BBQ to commence afterwards
Bring a side or dessert, and a chair for sure 🙂 2031 196th ST SW B-101 Lynnwood Wa, 98036 is the Lynnwood Gym 🙂
Monday: “Wood” 5 rounds for time: 400m run, 10 burpee box jumps 24/20, 10 sumo deadlift high-pulls 95/65, 10 thrusters 95/65, 1 min rest
Tuesday: 5 Rounds for Quality: 1 Minute Handstand Hold, 1 Minute of Hollow Rock, 1 Minute Bottom of Overhead Squat Hold, 1 Minute Hollow Arch/GHD Hip Ext Hold/Face Up Plank
Wednesday: Deadlift Max 1
Thursday: 5 Rounds for time of: 12 Inverted Burpees, Row 350m, 40 Double Unders, rest 2 Minutes
Friday: Complex for Weight: 5 Snatch Balances, 3 Thrusters, 1 Split Jerk
Saturday: MURPH For time, with a 20lb weight vest: 1 mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, 1 mile run, partition as needed
This week is gonna be awesome! You guys are so lucky to be training with us!
And we’re so lucky to be able to train with you all!! Seriously. You’re fucking rad, come in everyday, get weird, come back for more, enjoying the process, messing with your diets to get where you want to go, ALL OF IT. Super stoked.
Here we go! The week before the week before Murph! It’s going to be help at Lynnwood CrossFit, it’s a bigger gym, we’ve got more pull-up bars there, the mile run is safe and not a redundant loop, we can BBQ there, it’s great. Please sign up on the board so we can plan better for burgers and such, and please bring a dessert or side!
Monday: Clean for Max 2
Tuesday: 3:00 Row, 3:00 Jumping Pull-ups 3 Minutes Rest, 2 Rounds for Cals and Reps
Wednesday: The Chief Max rounds in 3 min, repeat for 5 cycles, rest 1 min between cycles: 3 power cleans 135/95, 6 push-ups, 9 squats
Thursday: Complex for Weight: 5 Presses, 3 Push Presses, 1 Split jerk
Friday: 2 Rounds for Time of: 12 Suitcase Deadlifts Right, 12 Deficit Lunges Right, 12 Pistols Right, 36 Push-ups, 12 Suitcase Deadlifts Left, 12 Deficit Lunges Left, 12 Pistols Left, 36 Push-ups
Saturday: Partner Helen: Use the same scaling as last week, trade rounds with your buddy, rest while they go!
International Chest Day on Monday!
And then we take it from there!
Grace is exquisite, 18 Minutes of reps, a true mix-modal sprint on Thursday, major leg training, and then a team workout to leave you cooked, whilst supplementing Fridays session, so good. Your coaches had an awesome trainer meeting over the weekend, so be prepared for more of what you’re used to. Good workouts, done right, producing as much fitness as we can get in the shortest amount of time possible!
Monday: 2 Second Pause Bench Press, Max 3, along with GHD Stuff in between
Tuesday: Grace For time: 30 Clean and Jerks 135/95
Wednesday: 2:00 Row for Calories, 2:00 Bar Dips, 2:00 Walking Lunges, 3 Rounds for Reps
Thursday: Helen 3 rounds for time: 400m run, 21 KB swings 53/35, 12 pull-ups
Friday: Buddy Buddy Back Squats 5×5 3x
Saturday: 50/40/30/20/10 Partner Wall Ball Shots, 50/40/30/20/10 Ab Mat Sit-up High Fives, 5/4/3/2/1 L-Pull-Ups (spot your buddy!)