Last full week of August guys! ALSO there are 100 more training days in the gym this year! And what a year it’s been!! How many can you get? For your planning we’ve got a few three day weekends coming up (labor day, veterans day, thanksgiving) and we are closed the week between Christmas and New Years, but that gives you exactly 100 more opportunities to get healthy, strong and fit this year. I think it’s plenty!! Plan accordingly and let’s make it happen!

HUGE CONGRATS TO ALL YOU WHO DID CHAD!!! I was stoked and humbled to see the pics you sent over text, so bad ass.

ALSO: I’ve been asked to help the Blackwood Builders Group and the Dwellings Non-Profit Group to build two houses in Roatan Honduras November 5th-12th. I’m excited to go down to the equator and sweat my face off building two houses for a couple families in need. Over the next few weeks I’ll be adding their information to the blog and posting more about it in hopes that you guys will help me raise funds for the building expenses. It’s tax deductible, it’s life changing for the families, and you’ll feel good knowing that you’re helping.

I make a point of not doing a ton of fundraising events in the gyms because I feel like it’s unfair to constantly be asking you guys for this sort of thing. There’s hundreds of CrossFit Type Fundraising Events, it’s nuts. So in lieu of doing something like that monthly, let’s make this special and really help two families get their start.

Here’s the link to get the donations rolling!


The Workouts:

Monday: Angie For time: 100 pull-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats

Tuesday: Deadlift Max 3

Wednesday: Push Press x5 with Double Unders in Between – like practice for those that need it, or testing for 50/100 etc.


For Time:

50 Burpees
50 Wallball Shots 20-10/14-9
25 Knees to Elbows
30 Burpees
30 Wallball Shots 20-10/14-9
15 Knees to Elbows
10 Burpees
10 Wallball Shots 20-10/14-9
5 Knees to Elbows

Friday: Pull-up Day! If you wanna get better on Pull-ups, SHOW UP!

Games: Max Weighted, False Grip On Rings, Chest to Ring False Grip, “L”, Strict, Chest to Bar Kipping, or Strict, Tabata Jumping or Kipping, Hang for Time, Negatives (20 is the limit), Banded for Max or Hella Reps, Barbell Bent Over Rows, DB Rows, Kipping Swings with Forearm Curls ETC.


With a buddy, alternate minutes of rowing (max distance) and L-Sit Holding (Joy)
20 Minute clock.