Christine on a Friday?!
A first time for everything 🙂
The Workout:
Christine 3 rounds for time:
500m row
12 deadlifts 185/135
21 box jumps 24/20
The legitosaurus goal on this workout is under 12 Minutes. You better be HAULING!
After Cindy, now what?
I’m sore!!
The Workout:
Push Press Max 5
Your pushers are likely DEAD after the push-ups, so let’s just see if there’s a record in there. I double dog dare you to show up and not do better. I TRIPLE dog dear you!
Wednesday is CINDY!
Max Rounds in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 squats
That’s really it. Trust me. It’ll work.
Non-Alliterative Title #1
Remember: if it starts with the run, it ENDS with the Clean :). The run will have to be something interesting for sure. If it’s nice, maybe outside?
The Workout:
100m Run
10 Hang Power Clean 95/65
100m Run
9 Hang Power Clean 95/65
100m Run
8 Hang Power Clean 95/65
100m Run
7 Hang Power Clean 95/65
100m Run
6 Hang Power Clean 95/65
100m Run
5 Hang Power Clean 95/65
100m Run
4 Hang Power Clean 95/65
100m Run
3 Hang Power Clean 95/65
100m Run
2 Hang Power Clean 95/65
100m Run
1 Hang Power Clean 95/65
Monday, another notch on the belt 🙂
The CrossFit Open is coming! Yes, I have to pass the Judges Course, again. Yes you have to register, pay the money, and then we get to have fun!! Very same details as each year. Go to: games.crossfit.com for dates and all that. We’ll be running the actual workout on Fridays and Thursdays we’ll be doing Gymnastics Days again! COME. Don’t get all like “oooh, there won’t be like a ‘workout’ you know, so like why even go and stuff.” Last time I checked, I was pretty heavy, so when I do stuff with me, it’s like really heavy, so maybe I’d be getting stronger and better able to control my body, sounds kinda like fitness doesn’t it? I mean who doesn’t want to learn how to do new things, and get higher skill moves?
It looks short doesn’t it Zig?
The Workout:
For Time:
75 Power Snatches 75/55
In honor of Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member who was killed in the line of duty February 6, 2008.
Shatterday 2.0!
It’s like “The Chief” but longer, but with more breaks, but heavier… Let’s rock this!
The Workout:
Buddy Chief:
Max Rounds in 5 Minutes of:
5 Power Cleans
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
Buddy 1 does one round of 5,10,15, then other buddy does a round of 5,10,15 and keep going back and forth until the 5:00 is up.
Rest 1 Minute
3 “Rounds” for Max Rounds!