Hey guys! Great last week! Super cool watching you guys smash out 22.1. Bravo. Next year when the gym is all put together nicely, and you guys are fitter and having more fun doing grander things, we’ll get a bunch of you guys registered and it’ll be super cool.

This week isn’t much different, same unknown Friday killer workout, same Gymnastics Thursday, same Monday through Wednesday hardness 🙂

UPDATE: Tuesday and Thursday Morning Classes!!! We’re gonna roll those out starting Monday March 21st! I’m super stoked, both Stef and Eileen are going to head the charge on those two days to make sure that you guys can get more days in, which means more workouts, fewer rest days, and TONS more learning and coaching on how to do the movements better, more efficiently and straight up stronger. I’m very grateful that they’ve stepped up to help serve you guys in these sessions, adding considerable length to their already busy and full full days (mother, teacher, etc.) because they’re passionate to see you all make gainz and become way fitter! Yay!

ALSO! No more Friday night class at 6:00pm. No one was coming, no one should come! It’s Friday night baby, get out, enjoy yourself and relax!

The Workouts:

Diane For time:

Deadlifts 225/155
Handstand Push-Ups

Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of:
35 Double Unders
6 L-Pull-ups
6 Hang Power Snatches 135/95

Back Squat 1-30-1-20-1-10

Thursday: Gymnastics

Friday: Unknonw

Saturday TBD!!!


    Friday March 11th

, we’re going to shut down the night classes at the Westgate location (just for this one day) and have everyone come out to Lynnwood and throw down on 22.3 together! It’ll be a super fun time, busy packed house, lots of heats of the workout, hanging out, judging each other (for reps, not for clothing choices or life status) we’ll do protein shakes when you’re done with the workout and yeah, come hang out! It’s like a 4 mile drive, you can make it. 4:00pm until whenever we’re finished!