WOD & More
Welcome to February!
YO! Nothing terribly special this week. Welcome to February 🙂 Remember the Open is coming, go ahead and register, it'll be a blast, and it's fun to see where you stack up 🙂 Stay tuned here for any snow updates. Hopefully it passes without incident and is very pretty...
February Time!
Lunar New Year is this Wednesday, hurray moon! Anyone ever really read up on ole' Gregors calendar? I guess there was a decent period in the "dark ages" (when the peasants had like 190 days off a year on holiday, and the rest just chilling making craft beer and...
Open Registration and Rowing ReCap
***NOTICE: Closed Monday for MLK Day*** Rowing Recap: Way to be!! It was super cold, but we had 37 brave souls come and complete the rowing! So rad. Top Men's Time goes to Chris (LCF) with: 18:14.5 (a 1:49.45 avg pace!), Top Ladies time goes to Eileen with 22:52.9...
Gym Blog (aka Jesse’s Rants)
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