Two weeks until the Games, Rates, and John!

Hey guys: I hate doing this sort of thing because it causes changes based around money. As everything else has stated in the past few years that “everything’s more expensive” truth is, everything is more fucking expensive :/ PUD, PSE, Light Bulbs ($35 environmental fee on a pack of 12 bulbs), chalk, the insurance is more, internet has gone up, the affiliate dues, hell, TP and paper towels have gone up, even the credit card processing company raised their rate, sales tax got increased last year etc, etc. I’m sorry guys.

I can only hope that you can see the increase in value that you’ve gotten since we’ve started working together to make your gym as great as it can be. Paint in and out, a new roof, parking lot and “curb appeal” improvements, loads of new gear, improved coaching, clean water, LED fixtures (more to come, thanks Allan!), signage to come, and so on. AND I can only hope that you guys see that your gym experience will only continue to get better and better. Big thanks!

I wanna bring up the rates as follows, 1st number is current rate, second number is proposed rate:

3x/week Current $170, Proposed $185
4x/week Current $185, Proposed $200
Unlimited Current $205, Proposed $220

Furthermore, I’m exploring all options to keep rates as low as possible for you guys. 1) if you can pay with a check for 6 months to a year at a time I’d be happy to give a 4% discount on the total (the CC processing fee is 3.75% + $.25 per transaction). Same thing for cash. If you wanna pay the gym in Crypto (BTC or USDC or something like that) I’ll entertain it as well with a similar $ discount based on current dollar rates. This discount for paying up front eats up most of the price increase simply because of the CC fee, vultures.

If this really puts you out guys, please let me know. I know it’s brutal out there, and like I said I really do hate to add to it. The insanity that is.

ALSO: Friday the 28th Send off Workout for John!! 4:15pm Class at Lynnwood, EN MASSE, and then we hang out afterwards, it’ll be great. BIG THANKS.

Workouts! The fun part 🙂

Monday: FGB Style: Wall Ball Shots 20-10’/14-9′, Rowing for Cals, Jumping Pullups, C2 Bike for Cals, Ab Mat Sit-ups, Ski Erg for Cals rest 3 Rounds for Reps

Tuesday: Bear Complex

Wednesday: Run 800m, 21 Bench Press 135/95, Run 400m, 12 Turkish Get-ups 53/36, 200m Run, 21 Bench Presses 135/95, 200m Run, 12 Turkish Get-ups 53/36, Run 400m, 21 Bench Presses 135/95, Run 800m

Thursday: 5 Rounds for Time of: 3 Bar Muscle-Ups, 33 Cross Over Singles, 3 Deadlifts 315/225

Friday: Power Snatch for Max 3

Saturday: 3, 3 Minute AMRAPs with 1 Minute rest of: 30 Med Ball Cleans 50/30, MAX Handstand Push-ups, 1 Round of 4 minutes at the end. Total of 13 Minutes of work. 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 4, rest.

The Ides of July?

Is that a thing?


Monday: Thruster for 7 Rep Max, L-Hang Fun House

Tuesday: With a buddy, Row 6k by 300m

Wednesday: Run 200m, 6 Ring Dips, Run 400m, 12 Ring Dips, Run 800m, 18 Ring Dips, Run 800m, 12 Ring Dips, Run 400m, 6 Ring Dips, Run 200m For Time

Thursday: “Moon” 7 Rounds For Time of: 10 DB Hang Split Snatches, Right Arm (40/30 lb), 1 Rope Climb (15 ft), 10 DB Hang Split Snatches, Left Arm (40/30 lb), 1 Rope Climb (15 ft)

Friday: “Inverse Fran” 21-15-9 For Time of Pull-ups and Thrusters

Saturday: Max Rounds in 18 Minutes of: 6 Double KB Swings (106/72), 6 Burpees, 18 Double Unders, trade rounds with your buddy

Happy “England Begone Day” Fam!!!

Happy 4th Guys 🙂

Schedule reminders, we’re closed the 4th, that’s Tuesday AND we open late on the 5th, that’s Wednesday. NO 5,6,7am Classes. Have fun staying up watching the fireworks or doing whatever it is that you do with your peeps.

Also, please help John out! Thanks!!

Hi All,
Coach John here. I wanted to say thank you so much for the past 2 and a half years. You guys are the best and I’m going to miss you all a whole lot. As most of you know Emma and I are moving back to Southern California (Long Beach area) and I plan to continue coaching down there and as I begin building clientele I could really use some testimonials. So if you’ve had a positive experience with my coaching and feel like sharing about it I would really appreciate it. You can write me a testimony about any aspects of my coaching that you liked and you can email them to me at johncalebfranklin@gmail.com.

Again, thank you so much for some of the best years of my life and if you ever find yourself in SoCal, hit me up and let’s workout!”

Monday: “Hildy” For Time 100 calorie Row 75 Thrusters (45/35 lb) 50 Pull-Ups 75 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb) 100 calorie Row With a weight vest (20/14 lb)

Tuesday: 5k Run in Edmonds, 8am!

Wednesday: Bench Press 1 RM

Thursday: Jason For Time 100 Air Squats 5 Muscle-Ups 75 Air Squats 10 Muscle-Ups 50 Air Squats 15 Muscle-Ups 25 Air Squats 20 Muscle-Ups

Friday: Power Clean Max 5

Saturday: 10 Rounds of Helen but trade rounds with your buddy. So 5 each.

Last Week of June! 1st Week of the rest of your life! HA 🙂

Hey guys! A nice full week of training, very good week. I’m looking forward to these sessions, be excited to grab some PR’s some good training, and lots of good tests along the way. Booyah.

EVENTS!! The Summer is coming FAST. Here we go: 4th of July, gyms are closed, but there’s a 5k Run in Edmonds called Beat Brackett, google it, register, get your packet, and then 8:00am show up down there and smash out three miles with friends through Woodway and all that good stuff. I’ll be there myself running in all my splendor!! HA 🙂 August 12th we’re having the 10k Row Event at C.C.’s House in Edmonds WITH A POOOL!! Of course you can row fewer than 10,000 meters, but when you get done, we’ll have burgers, dogs, treats, and a quick dunk in a wonderfully cool pool, which is my favorite part. Clear your calendar and let’s hangout CrossFit Style 🙂

Workouts: Gonna be another killer week 🙂

Monday: Teams of 2-3, working through 5 rounds: 5 Heavy Back Squats (~80% of 1RM or slightly below old 5 rep max) and 5 L-Pull-ups, this isn’t for time, this is good heavy training with friends on Squats and Pull-ups.

Tuesday: “JT” 21-15-9 for Time of: Ring Dips, Handstand Push-ups, Push-ups

Wednesday: “Michael” 3 Rounds for Time of: 800m Run, 50 ABMAT Sit-ups, 50 Back Extensions

Thursday: Turkish Get-Up 1RM, and Rep Tests: Max Kipping Pull-ups 1 Set, Max Push-ups 1 Set, Max Air Squats in 1 Minute, Max L-Sit, Max Time Hanging only

Friday: “Diane” 21-15-9 for Time of: Deadlifts 225/155 and Handstand Push-ups

Saturday: Drag Races 35 Double Unders, 400m Run 5 Rounds, each for time

Juneteenth Week!

***NOTICE: CLOSED MONDAY, in observance of Juneteenth***

If you don’t know what it’s about go here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juneteenth and read up. We did last Saturday’s workout to commemorate. Cheers.

4th of July 5k Run Details!


The Edmonds Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to again host the Beat Brackett 5K and Baby Brackett 1K. What better way to start a day full of BBQ, apple pie and ice cream than with a little exercise and the chance to beat ol’ man Brackett? You can push to beat Brackett to the finish line or take it at an easy pace.

Both the 1K and 5K starts at Edmonds City Park and winds through the beautiful Town of Woodway. Attracting 400+ runners, these races are the perfect athletic kickoff to a full day of An Edmonds Kind of 4th excitement.

If you have already registered – great!! Encourage your friends and family to join you!

Registrations online only – deadline is June 26., that’s this week!!!

For more information and to register, click the “Register” button below.

For details about the full day’s activities visit www.EdmondsChamber.com

Baby Brackett 1K – LIVE – $20 covers up to 4 participants

Beat Brackett 5K – LIVE – $35 each.

Beat Brackett 5K – VIRTUAL – $35 each


Literally what I did was google it, and then register. Super easy.

Workouts for this week!

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: 6 Ring Dips, 6 Thrusters 115/75, “Quick L” Run
Wednesday: Deadlift Max 3
Thursday: “Mary” Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of: 5 Handstand Push-ups, 10 Alternating Pistols, 15 Pull-ups
Friday: Max Rounds in 10 Minutes of: 10 GHD Sit-ups/Banded Sit-ups, 10 Horizontal Ring Rows, after the 10 minutes is up, Row 1000m for time
Saturday: Teams of 3: DB Bench Press, KB Front Rack Lunges, and “Quick L” Run causes the rotate, Max Reps in 15 Minutes

Weeee DID IT!


Thanks for last week, what a hustle, but we did it in fine style, big thanks for the few of y’all that popped over to Lynnwood to bolster the crew! Super rad. Tom, Ron, Max, I hope I didn’t forget anyone else!! Big thanks guys. Sorry for any anxiety I caused with my posting, please remember though, if there’s major schedule changes, this website, and this page itself, will be where things are posted in grave detail 🙂

LIKE THE EDMONDS 4TH OF JULY 5K RUN!! Google it, register for it, it’s 8:10am on July 4th, no you can’t just show up the day of, register ahead of time, and come have fun running, as if that was possible! HA 🙂


Monday: GHD Run Down and Max 5 Military Press

Tuesday: 50 Cross Over Singles, 10 Muscle-ups, 50 KB Swings 53/36, 3 Rounds for Time

Wednesday: Cindy

Thursday: Christine

Friday: Gymnastics Day! 15 Minutes: Scales and Planks, Pistols, Inversions, and Rope Climbing

Saturday: “369th HellFighters”: 1500 Seconds (one for each casualty), 191 Days in the trenches, longer than any other American unit, 3/6/9 for the 369th Infantry. Enjoy this one!! Max Rounds in 1500 Seconds (25 minutes) starting with 191 Double Unders then: 3 Power Snatches 135/95, 6 Toes to Bar, 9 Box Jumps/Step-ups 24/20

You aren’t going to get the butt you want by sitting on the one you have

Your first class is always free. Check us out!