The Week Between Blocks

Hey guys! No kids/teens classes this week. Next week they start back up again! Links and buttons below. Please sign up there, and then we’ll see you in class!!

BINGO Finishes this weeke! How many squares you got?!


Monday: Max Rounds in 12 Minutes of: 3 Bar Muscle-Ups, 6 Pressing Snatch Balances 75/53, 9 Burpee Over Bars

Tuesday: “Kelly” 5 rounds for time: 400m Run, 30 Box Jumps 24″/20″, 30 Wall Ball Shots 20-10’/14-9′

Wednesday: Turkish Get Up for 1 Rep Max, then, Trade Rounds with a Buddy: 20 GHD Sit-ups, Side Plank 45 Sec Left, Side Plank 45 Sec Right. 5 Rounds each.

Thursday: “Ledesma” Max Rounds in 20 minutes of: 5 Paralette Handstand Push-Ups, 10 Toes Through Rings, 15 Medicine Ball Cleans 20/14

Friday: Bench Press Max 3, accessories as time permits

Saturday: “Eva” TIL Rx 3 rounds for time: 800m Run, 30 KB Swings 70/53, 30 Pull-Ups

Block 2: Tue/Thur, August 2nd, 4th, 9th, 11th, 16th, and 18th

4:15pm-4:45pm Ages 6-12 at Turn It Loose
1:30pm-2:30pm Teens 13+ at Lynnwood CrossFit

Register and Pay Here: Choose the block you want, and off you go!

Which Block

For Each Additional Kidlet or Radical Teenager:

Which Block

Big Week!! Again 🙂

OK, not quite as big a week as last week, but with Linda on Saturday, and Fran on Thursday, AND Diane on a Tuesday, it’s a big big BIG week 🙂

Wanna hear the bigger news?!?! We’ve gotten our Gym Mascot! Stef came up with it (I’m sure Keith was in on this) during the Beach Event on Saturday: “The Turn It Loose Tug Boats, small but mighty!” It’s so cute! And totally what we’re about. Now we just gotta get that into a logo somehow, and start smashing on fools.


Monday: 50 Ab Mat Sit-ups, 800m Run, 21 Wall Ball Shots 30#-10’/20#-9′, 400m Run, 21 Wall Ball Shots 30#-10’/20#-9′, 400m Run, 21 Wall Ball Shots 30#-10’/20#-9′, 800m Run, 50 Ab Mat Sit-ups

Tuesday: Diane For time: 21-15-9 Deadlifts 225/155, Handstand Push-Ups – word to the wise: remember that workout from last week where we had only 1 deadlift each round? Yeah, that one. If you weren’t in the mid to high 300’s for that, using 225 for this workout just isn’t the best plan. HUGS.

Wednesday: Trade Rounds with a buddy 5x: 16 Seated Single Leg Jump, Double Leg Landing Box Jumps (Sit on a bench, land on 16″ is the Rx), Band Resisted Running (Buddy Resists you, down and back), 16 Russian KB Swings 88/70, is it really timed?

Thursday: Fran For time: 21-15-9 Thrusters 95/65 Pull-ups

Friday: Gymnastics Day! 15 Minutes of Scales and Planks, 15 Minutes of Handstand Walking, 15 Minutes of Ball Up and Skin the Cat, 15 Minutes of Paralette L-Sit Fun Times

Saturday: “Linda” – 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 of Deadlift 1.5x Body Weight, Bench Press 1x Body Weight, and Clean .75x Body Weight

Bingo is in Full Effect!

YO! People are posting, coming to 5am Classes, turning up for hikes on Sunday (10am at Heybrook Lookout Trail, HWY 2) gearing up for Marathon Bike Week, you name it! Couldn’t be more stoked about what all we have going on, this week is gonna be a doozey 🙂

Two Major Things Happening This Week:

1) Marathon Bike Week! We’ve got a Concept2 Bike in the Gym. Get on and ride for 42,100 Meters, as fast as you can. It takes about an hour and a half to two hours. Yeah that’s a lotta but time. Get a padded thing! Bike Shorts are a great buy, get your music right, use those ear buds. Just come in and get it done. We don’t have a schedule up (Eileen wanted to, she always wants a sign up) we are all free actors, and acting without public accountability is something that we don’t do much anymore, so practice this personal skill, of doing a hard thing, without telling anyone that you’re going to do it. Schedule the time, get to the gym, sit on down, and pedal until you’re done 🙂 Have some water with you 🙂

2) Grace for Distance!! I’ve always wanted to do this. Clean and Jerk (throw the hell out of) barbells for distance on a beach! We’re going to Richmond Beach, with banged up barbells and fat bars, and our shittiest weight plates to go have fun in the best way we know how: get sweaty with our friends! 10:30 be down there, at least in the parking lot, and help schlep the gear to the beach, then we can set up some cones, and get after it! If you’re all really good kids, maybe we can stay and do a long kettlebell flow on the beach…

Super stoked!

Monday: 100 Double Unders, 3 Rounds of: Right Handed Farmers Carry 100/70 150 Feet, Run 200m, Left Handed Farmers Carry 100/70 150 Feet, 200m Run, Finish with another 100 Double Unders

Tuesday: Thruster for 1 Rep Max

Wednesday: Moon 7 rounds for time: 10 hang split snatches R 40/30, 1 rope climb 15′, 10 hang split snatches L40/30, 1 rope climb 15’

Thursday: 3 Bench Presses 255/175 , 15 Toes to Bar, Trade Rounds with your buddy

***Save Your Hands Team!!***

Friday: 7 Rounds for Time of: 1 Deadlift 405/315, 3 Strict Pull-ups, 5 Kipping Pull-ups

Saturday: 50 Reps for Time of Sandbag/Med Ball over a Yoke or Bar

Happy America Day!

Yay Freedom and stuff!!

This post is super short guys 🙂 All the deets for the parade are on last weeks post, or in your email. For Teens/Kids stuff, same, last weeks post has all the deets and sign-ups. Only big change is the Heybrooke Hike is 10am on Sunday the 10th! We’ll get those details, where to be etc. in the gym Tuesday. Rock on!

Monday: CLOSED – come to the Edmonds Parade! Meet at Turn It Loose at 10:00am to fill out your card, and carpool over to the parade starting location on 7th and Glen!

Tuesday: 5 Rounds for Time: 21 Hang Power Cleans 75/55, 21 Walking Lunges, 21 Ab mat Sit-ups

Wednesday: Jason For time: 100 squats, 5 musle-ups, 75 squats, 10 muscle-ups, 50 squats, 15 muscle-ups, 25 squats, 20 msucle-ups

Thursday: 3 Rounds for Time of: 400m Run, 8 Deadlifts 275/225, 8 Burpees to a 12″ Touch

Friday: Cindy AMRAP 20 min: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats

Saturday: Teams of 3: Row, Box Jump, Handstand Push-up, for the deets you gotta turn up!

The Week Before the Parade!

Geez! It’s almost nearly the 4th.

We’re gonna close Saturday the 2nd. I think attendance will be nearly zero, and it’ll give all your coaches a nice break. Remember when I was all fired up about offering 292 workouts to you guys this year? I’m still fired up, I’ve missed plenty myself, as most of us have, but this Saturday was accounted for in that original 292, and I just counted, there’s 143 workouts left this year. That’s about half. Dang. What a year it’s been huh?

Updates: Grace for Distance is going to be Saturday the 16th, at Richmond Beach Park 10:30am!

Parade Info! We’re gonna meet up at the Edmonds Gym in the morning to put the rig together and get all patriotic. As far as what to wear: RED WHITE AND BLUE! I know I know, I like totally dropped the ball and should have ordered shirts and all that stuff, I only learned about the parade June 10th, and I’ve since secured a trailer, banners and magnet signage for the Jeep, potentially a PA system as well. Mountains have been moved as per usual.

The parade starts at noon sharp, which means that 11:45am is the final muster time, and registration for yours truly is 9:30am! That also means that parking is going to be insane. Plan ahead, and we’ll save parking at Turn It Loose for our peeps, but there’ll still be a limit there for sure.

Below below, I’ll post the instructions given to me for you guys to check out.

SUMMER KIDS CLASSES! OMG Deets below as well, thanks you guys!! These are gonna be so rad 🙂

Monday: “JT” For Time: 21-15-9 Handstand Push-Ups, Ring Dips, Push-Ups

Tuesday: “Michael” 3 rounds For Time; 800m Run, 50 Back Extensions, 50 Sit-Ups

Wednesday: Ring Muscle-up Training Day!! Along with 1 Rep Max Pull-up + Accessories

Thursday: Back Squat Max 3

Friday: “Hildy” For Time: 100/70 Calorie Row, 75 Thrusters 45/35, 50 Pull-Ups, 75 Wall Ball Shots 20-10’/14-9″, 100/70 Cal Row, wear a weight vest?

Saturday: Closed

Kids and Teens Info:

Block 1: Tue/Thur, July 5th, 7th, 11th, 13th, 19th and 21st

4:15pm-4:45pm Ages 6-12 at Turn It Loose
1:30pm-2:30pm Teens 13+ at Lynnwood CrossFit

Block 2: Tue/Thur, August 2nd, 4th, 9th, 11th, 16th, and 18th

4:15pm-4:45pm Ages 6-12 at Turn It Loose
1:30pm-2:30pm Teens 13+ at Lynnwood CrossFit

Register and Pay Here: Choose the block or blocks you want, and off you go!

Which Block

For Each Additional Kidlet or Radical Teenager:

Which Block


The Edmonds Chamber is excited to once again host the Edmonds 4th of July Main Parade and are so glad you’ll be joining us!


Remember to give yourself plenty of time to navigate the holiday traffic, closed roads and any crowds. See map below with closed roads marked with “XXX”

· Main Parade check-in is on the west side of 7th Ave N at Glen St, beginning at 9:30 am, Monday, July 4th. Check in NO LATER than 11:15am. Only one rep from your group needs to officially check-in. Participants checking in after 11:15 may not be admitted. No refunds for late arrival.

· Directions: Approach check-in area from the corner of 7th & Caspers, turn left onto 7th, proceed south to the check-in booth on the right side of the street and send one representative to the check-in booth to receive your unit placement number and final instructions. YOU WILL RECEIVE YOUR UNIT PLACEMENT NUMBER & PLACE IN LINE-UP UPON CHECK-IN.

· All participating parade marchers & drivers must be in place and ready to start by 11:45am.

· Staging: If members of your group arrive at different times, they can check in at 7th Ave N & Glen St to be told and shown where along the parade staging area to meet.

· Parking: There is no reserved parking for parade participants. Find parking in surrounding neighborhoods outside of the closed roads. We recommend carpooling as much as possible. Streets around downtown close from 6:00am until 3:00pm.

· Entries wanting to be judged for one of the trophies must be in their parade lineup placement by 10:15am, when the judging begins.

· The Parade begins at NOON. The route is 9/10th of a mile.

· Parade ends at 4th Ave. N. and Daley Street. DO NOT STOP at the parade end. Follow the directions of the parade official stationed at this location.

To protect children from running into the street, DO NOT THROW favors or candy into the crowd.
You may walk along both sides of the parade route and directly HAND favors or candy to spectators.

Edmonds Chamber of Commerce 4th of July Parade Rules and Regulations

1. The Greater Edmonds Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to remove any entry from the parade that does not comply with instructions from Parade Officials or Edmonds Police.
2. FLOATS must be fire-retardant and carry fire extinguishers.
3. The driver must have a 180-degree field of vision and carry a valid driver’s license.
4. No smoking anything while in parade staging or while in active parade at any time.
5. Units are limited to a maximum height of 14 feet.
6. Only entries that have paid the Commercial Entry Fee may carry or display a commercial/business message. If the appropriate fee has not been paid, you will be asked to leave the parade without refund.
7. Only entries and participants that have paid the Political Entry Fee may carry or display a political campaign message. If the appropriate fee is not paid, you will be asked to leave the parade without refund.
8. Once the parade starts moving, maintain a 30’ space between entries and limit any performance to the area in front of the reviewing stands.
9. All units, floats and vehicles must maintain forward movement. Do not stop on the route for performances as it impacts the entire parade.
10. All equestrian or animal entries must have their own clean up crew.
11. Any unit that is considered unsafe by Parade Staff or police / fire department will be removed from the parade without refund. Additional safety guidelines follow.
No materials (such as candy, literature, product samples, favors, etc.) may be thrown from vehicles or by walkers.
Do not use spraying devices (water guns, etc).
Do not jump off of and back onto a moving vehicle in the parade.
All riders on a moving vehicle must remain seated or be strapped in securely (back of pick-up truck & convertible cars please just stay seated). No movement performances (ie. dancing) on moving vehicles are allowed.
Consumption of and/or possession of alcoholic beverages, marijuana or illegal substances are forbidden.
Inappropriate attire worn by entrant(s) may result in removal from participation in the parade. This is a FAMILY event.

June 20th!

Here we go!

EVENTS!!! Gym Bingo Starts in July! Be ready 🙂 It’s Hokey, but it’ll be super fun!

July 9th – Good hike to Heybrooke Lookout! Plans to follow, but clear the date!
“Grace For Distance” at the beach, throwing barbells, what could go wrong? July 17th!
Marathon C2 Bike Week – July 11-16, exactly what it sounds like, get it done!
Climb to Camp Muir on Mt. Rainier Friday August 19th – get training!
10k Row Event at C.C.’s House! Sunday Aug 21st

These events are how we have the best time being a CrossFit community everyone, if you can make the time to come hang, please do! Kids welcome, hangouts encouraged, etc, etc, etc. Big Hugs!

Monday: Reverse Fran For time: 9-15-21 Pull-ups, Thrusters 95/65,

Tuesday: AMRAP 12 min: 12 box jumps 24/20, 6 Hang Squat Snatches 95/65, 6 bar facing burpees

Wednesday: Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of: 5 Push-ups, 10 Alternating Pistols, 15 Ab Mat Sit-ups

Thursday: 5 rounds for reps: Push Press Press .7BW, .5BW, Horizontal Ring Rows

Friday: Power Clean Max x5’s

Saturday: Smykowski For time: 6k run, 60 burpee pull-ups, wear a weight vest

You aren’t going to get the butt you want by sitting on the one you have

Your first class is always free. Check us out!