YO! Please consider donating for the two houses we’re building in Roatan Honduras in November:


We’re doing really well, huge thanks for those that have donated already, you rock! Suggested Donation: 1/3 of your next Target trip, Ahahahahah 🙂 Hugs!

Tax Deductible, cool, and life changing for these two families. If you can spread the word to people who might be interested in donating, please send them the link and have them contact me for information. If you’re thinking that you’d like to go build houses in Honduras, let me know and I can hook you up with the group that’s making this happen!

ALSO Please help me come up with ideas for fundraising things we can do in the gym! Workouts, awful things for Jesse to do etc., that seem like people might dig enough to drop $50 in the hat! Thanks you guys!

Paint and Sip October 15th is a go! We’ll be collecting the money next week for this to get everything rolling. Be excited! Just like at the executioners block, “there’s always room for one more” (name that movie!!!) so if you want to join in, please do, if you’ve got a +1 or a buddy who’d like it, bring them! Slip us a green handshake, and we’ll make it happen!

The Workouts:
Monday: 1 RM Pull-up -then- 21-15-9 Medicine Ball Clean 50lbs/30lbs and Toes to Bar For Time

Tuesday: “Yeti” For time: 25 Pull-Ups, 10 Muscle-Ups, 1.5 Mile Run, 10 Muscle-Ups, 25 Pull-Ups

Wednesday: Push Press for 3 RM

Thursday: Texas Cardio Squat Cleans – “Texas Cardio” is 1 Lift Each Minute for 30 Minutes, typically a weight is selected, and then you just go for it, but you can totally work it up until it’s a good weight then work it. The key is not to miss a bunch of lifts because it’s too heavy.


For Time:
36 Forward Stationary Lunges
9 Overhead Squats 135/95
18 Burpees
36 Forward Stationary Lunges
9 Overhead Squats 135/95
18 Burpees
36 Forward Stationary Lunges
9 Overhead Squats 135/95
18 Burpees
36 Forward Stationary Lunges


Tabata Row
1 Minute Rest
Tabata Ring Dip
1 Minute Rest
Tabata Row
1 Minute Rest
Tabata Bar Dip
1 Minute Rest
Tabata Row
1 Minute Rest
Tabata Push Up
Rest 🙂