My early mornings this weekend were not available to me and I got caught up with “things.” You know, the innumerable tasks that make a day drag on, and run you all over I-5, between houses, businesses, old friends, squat racks, impromptu bench press sessions etc. etc. Here we go!

The Workouts:

Monday: Moore AMRAP 20 minutes of: 1 Rope Climb 15 ft, 400m Run, Max Handstand Push-Ups

Tuesday: Deadlift Max 5

Wednesday: “Jenny” AMRAP 20 min: 20 Overhead Squats 45/35, 20 Back Squats 45/35, 400m Run

Thursday: 6/12/18/24/30 DB Snatches 50/35 and 30/24/18/12/6 Pull-Ups

Friday: Jerk Max 2

Saturday: Teams of 2: 7 Hang Power Cleans 135/95, 21 Double Unders. Max Rounds in 15 Minutes, alternate rounds with your buddy.

I got asked last week if I programmed “cardio” stuff on Tues/Thur and “technique” stuff on Monday/Wednesday. To be clear, I kept my cool. That was the first win of the day, lol. Remember guys! We rotate all the variables to HELP PRODUCE FITNESS FASTER. If we do the same things all the time, YOU’LL NEVER GET FIT. Variance is the key to taking your fitness outside of the gym, and to ensuring that you gain fitness in all aspects. AND, we never do cardio, and we always do technique. Let’s go.