Hey guys! Thanks for Monday off, it’s a real relief. I trust that last week left you gassed and sore, and believe me, this week will do the very same! Looking forward to the Shenanigans!

September is a really busy time for us for whatever reason, lots of new people will be visiting and coming in, welcome them as you always do, and also remember that now is a great time to bring up the gym again to that buddy/spouse who was hesitant before. As schedules change, and summer ends, people think really hard about “getting their lives together” and the gym typically is one of those places where they feel drawn, for good reason!!! HA 🙂 Thanks guys!

Monday: Closed

Tuesday: 3 Bar Muscle-Ups, 9 Thrusters 95/65, 27 Ab Mat Sit-ups or 1 Bar Muscle-up, 5 Thrusters 95/65, 15 Ab Mat Sit-ups

Wednesday: Nicole AMRAP 20 min: 400m run, Max reps pull-ups

Thursday: Clean Max 2

Friday: Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of: 35 Double Unders, 14 Box Step Overs 53/36, 12 Alt. Side KB Push-ups

Saturday: If you’re confused, don’t worry, I got this 🙂

Teams of 2, Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: Buddy one climbs and holds onto the rope for dear life (if they’re good with legs, try hanging without them, if they’re working on legs, then use them!) while buddy 2 goes through as much as possible of 6/6 KB Push Press and 12/12 Suitcase Deadlift. When buddy 1 comes down, they rotate, buddy 1 picks up on the reps where buddy 2 left off, and vice versa, so when the team is done, the team did X number of rounds of 6/6 and 12/12