Betcha Haven’t Done Something Like This in a While!

In a workout like this, there’s technically no “work” being down, so it’s just an “out” really, but I think you’ll feel like you applied force and struggled to resist gravity’s ineluctable pull for nearly 20 minutes...


I know it’s not a proper phone number, but it makes me happy. I hope you had a good weekend! Ours was awesome, row PR’s and good snowy times! The Workout: Deadlifts for Max 3 PLUS: games, and skills, and exercises to address the specific weaknesses that...

Weekend Confirmation!

Saturday’s 5k Row is at the Sunset School Park. Remember, we’re gonna START rowing at the appointed times, so be a little early to move around and get ready! We’ve got over 30 people signed up!!! Way to be guys! Sunday’s Snowshoeing,...

Big Weekend!

Guys! NO CLASS AT 9:00am 5k Row Event at 9:00am Currently we’re thinking to go to the Sunset School Park in Edmonds by Richmond Beach. If the numbers are low, we’ll be smashing this at LCF with fans and doors and some people outside and all that good...

Fridays are for the Jerks :)

Gotta learn the Jerk! It’s a serious bit of coordination! Let’s take the time to really learn the move, and then see how much we can get for a double in it! Time to break out the blocks!! The Workout: Jerk Max 2