Big Week! We’re adding AM Classes to Tuesday and Thursday Mornings! 5, 6, 7, and 8:30am! Come train every day, it’s a killer goal, and will expose you to literally another 100 workouts this year under the watchful eye and expert tutelage of your coaches and friends! Super rad.

***REMINDER: we’re gonna be closing the gym the week of April 4-9. I know this is a huge bummer, but it’s so I can finish the gyms projects and get painting done and everything as good as I can get it in a reasonable time frame. If you’re super worried about your fitness degrading over the weeks absence I give you two things to muse on. Thing 1: next time you go on vacation take your fitness way more seriously while you’re there (if you’re like Rachel and you have a personal connection with a gym while you’re there and they let yo come in and train outside of class to stay on your programming, I’m not talking about you). Thing 2: with the advent of Tue/Thur AM Classes, you now have the opportunity to train up to 27 times monthly in classes, subtract this week and you’ll be left with 21 other opportunities to get fit, and if you like to train three days each week, it’ll be easy to make up the missed sessions because you’re used to only making 13 workouts a month. Hugs and love guys, I’ll be posting at home workouts that week, and giving me a hard time won’t be met well ❤️😁***

Workouts! – Pay Extra Notice to Saturday!


For Time:

100m Run
10 Power Snatches 115/70
100m Run
9 Power Snatches 115/70


100m Run
2 Power Snatches 115/70
100m Run
1 Power Snatch 115/70


Buddy Buddy Push Press 5’s, 3 rounds of 5 sets of 5 – weight ascends and descends!


Max Rounds in 12 Minutes of:

20 Double Unders
8 Hang Squat Cleans 95/65
6 Burpees


Deadlift for Max 5


Running Drills, and then Tabata Squats, Push-ups, Pull-ups and Sit-ups, rest 1 minute between each Tabata

Saturday: ***Let’s meet up at the old Edmonds-Woodway (not by Dairy Queen, up the hill, in the woods, right by the gym) up on the hill right next to the gym, I’ll bring up the KB’s, you bring your running shoes!***
If it’s raining, we’ll do it at the gym, ain’t no body got time for that.

Drag Races, 25 Swings 400m Run, 5 Rounds with rest.