***NOTICE: Closed Monday for MLK Day***
Rowing Recap: Way to be!! It was super cold, but we had 37 brave souls come and complete the rowing! So rad. Top Men’s Time goes to Chris (LCF) with: 18:14.5 (a 1:49.45 avg pace!), Top Ladies time goes to Eileen with 22:52.9 (2:17.29 avg pace!). Braving freezing temps, nearly zero warm-up, but with killer views of the moon (waning gibbous) and the Olympic Mountain range, tasty breakfast burritos (courtesy of Sis and Booboo), and coffee (thanks Stef and Nanda!), I think it was a good day had by all. Special thanks to Tom for moving Edmonds’ rowers, and for the crew that stayed to help load up and those who did both row and kids class, who ended up helping return the LCF gear!! Sheeesh!
The CrossFit Open! It’s here 🙂 https://games.crossfit.com/open/registration
Feb 27-Mar 17th, 3 Weeks, Three Workouts
I think I’m gonna try the foundations workouts this year! I can’t yet make a push-up or pull-up, let alone burpees. But we’ll see what they have in store 🙂 As per usual we’ll have Gymnastics days on Thursdays, and the Open on the Friday. With Saturday being a cool team workout based on what the Open didn’t do 🙂 No stress, it’s basically 5 weeks away. Just go sign up, and we’ll make sure it’s an awesome experience!
Monday: Closed for MLK Day
Tuesday: Fight Gone Bad: 3 Rounds for Reps: 1 Minute at each Station: Wall Ball 20-10’/14-9′, Sumo DL High Pull 75/55, Box Jump 20/16, Push Press 75/55, Row Cals (too soon?), Rest
Wednesday: Dip Work and “Annie” 50/40/30/20/10 For Time of: Double Unders and Ab Mat sit-ups (No GHD)
Thursday: “Moore” AMRAP 20 Minutes, 1 Rope Climb 20′, 400m Run, Max Handstand Push-Ups
Friday: Power Clean Max 1
Saturday: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes with a buddy of: 3 Strict Ring to Chest False Grip Pull-ups, 5 Deadlifts 315/225, OR 3 Strict Pull-ups, 5 Deadlifts 315/225. Buddy’s can spot each other on the pull-ups as needed.
Saturday is like two different workouts depending on what your coaches want for you. The second with the strict pull-ups is best for scaling, horizontal banding is cool, and you can spot each other to ensure enough rounds.
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