Lunar New Year is this Wednesday, hurray moon! Anyone ever really read up on ole’ Gregors calendar? I guess there was a decent period in the “dark ages” (when the peasants had like 190 days off a year on holiday, and the rest just chilling making craft beer and gardening) I guess when they hadn’t figured out leap year yet (copernicus’ fault no doubt, damned heliocentrist and all) and they let it slide for like hundreds of years so far that the “winter months” crept into being the summer months, and everyone was really confused. Gregor saved the day. What a visionary.
Monday: Squat Clean “Elizabeth” 21-15-9 for Time of Squat Cleans 135/95 and Ring Dips
Tuesday: Power Snatch Max 5
Wednesday: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: 6 Toes to Bar, 12 KB Swings 70/53, 18 Walking Lunges
Thursday: For Time: 10 – 1 Box Jumps 30/24, 1/2/3/4/5/4/3/2/1 Wall Walks
Friday: “Chelsea” Every Minute on the Minute do 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Air Squats for 30 minutes, or fewer
Saturday: Buddy Buddy SDLHP: 3 Rounds of 5×5 with: 65/55, 75/60, 95/65, 125/75, 155/95
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