The Workout:
For time:
21-15-9 of:
Thrusters 95/65
Pull ups
This should realistically be about as hard as it gets. Top times in the world are two minutes (2:00), and so if you’re anything under 10:00, scaled in any way that’s reasonable you’re doing great, and should consider yourself fit. If you can complete it as prescribed in any time you’re in the top 1% of people on the planet for sure. 9 billion peeps, 1% means that there are 90 million people on earth who can crank 45 Thrusters at 95/65 and 45 Pull-ups. I’m not sure if that’s real. But with 15,000 CF Gyms, say average of 100 members per gym (some affiliate are garages, and some are like CF Rejkyavik with like 1000 members), that’s 1.5 million CrossFitters, of the 90 million, and I know our gym, where most can’t yet to 95/65 and Pull-up Pull-ups. I bet it’s top 1% of humans. LETS GO.
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