It all looked kinda good until that 1000m Row right there in the middle huh? THAT’S WHY I PUT IT THERE 🙂 HEHE. And it makes it a perfect palindrome. Just like “a man a plan a canal panama.” Isn’t that wild.

The Workout:
24 Suitcase Deadlifts 135/95
12 Strict Pull-ups
24 Suitcase Deadlifts 135/95
12 Strict Pull-ups
1,000m Row
12 Strict Pull-ups
24 Suitcase Deadlifts 135/95
12 Strict Pull-ups
24 Suitcase Deadlifts 135/95

Oh my god, breakfast opens in an hour, I’ve been up all night updating webpages and true coach apps, while I’m jetlagged. This is going to be awesome in an hour.