After Cindy, now what?

I’m sore!! The Workout: Push Press Max 5 Your pushers are likely DEAD after the push-ups, so let’s just see if there’s a record in there. I double dog dare you to show up and not do better. I TRIPLE dog dear you!

Wednesday is CINDY!

Cindy Max Rounds in 20 minutes of: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 squats That’s really it. Trust me. It’ll work.

Non-Alliterative Title #1

Remember: if it starts with the run, it ENDS with the Clean :). The run will have to be something interesting for sure. If it’s nice, maybe outside? The Workout: 100m Run 10 Hang Power Clean 95/65 100m Run 9 Hang Power Clean 95/65 100m Run 8 Hang Power Clean...

Monday, another notch on the belt :)

The CrossFit Open is coming! Yes, I have to pass the Judges Course, again. Yes you have to register, pay the money, and then we get to have fun!! Very same details as each year. Go to: for dates and all that. We’ll be running the actual...

Shatterday 2.0!

It’s like “The Chief” but longer, but with more breaks, but heavier… Let’s rock this! The Workout: Buddy Chief: Max Rounds in 5 Minutes of: 5 Power Cleans 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats Buddy 1 does one round of 5,10,15, then other buddy does...