Wednesday is a bench day!

Hear ye! Come lift weights, and make your upper body stronger! The Workout Bench Press for Max 5 And whatever other little nasty upper body games your coaches have up their sleeves 🙂 Because, after all, those sleeves won’t fill...

Terrible Tuesdays around here!

It all looked kinda good until that 1000m Row right there in the middle huh? THAT’S WHY I PUT IT THERE 🙂 HEHE. And it makes it a perfect palindrome. Just like “a man a plan a canal panama.” Isn’t that wild. The Workout: 24 Suitcase Deadlifts...

Happy Valentines Day!

You’ll have a whole different kind of “kiss” after this one! Remember guys, if you want to climb rope this much, YOU MUST HAVE PROTECTION and have that plan well thought out. I want you to be able to climb this much rope, it’s often too much...

Saturday, again.

This one just looks like sometime good might happen you know? The Workout: 14 Minutes for Max Reps Teams of 3: Max Overhead Squats 135/95 Max Double Unders 50 KB Swing 35/26 causes the rotate

Christine on a Friday?!

A first time for everything 🙂 The Workout: Christine 3 rounds for time: 500m row 12 deadlifts 185/135 21 box jumps 24/20 The legitosaurus goal on this workout is under 12 Minutes. You better be HAULING!