This is not how I wanted to do this week for sure. What a drag. We’re gonna close TIL in the AM 🙁 The jury is still out for the PM classes, although that’s leaning towards being open.

I now empathize with the school superintendant who has to make the call on late start versus school closures. In our situation it’s rough because we’re all adults, and can do anything we really wanna do, but also, are adults and know that getting in any minor fender bender is a major headache for months with insurance BS and all that comes with that. I loathe the idea of sitting at the gym empty all morning, I also loathe the idea of you guys wanting to come smash weights and being denied! I hope you recognize the reason I’ve dedicated my life and took significant personal financial risk to open gyms was so that you guys could workout and kick ass, not to close them and stop you from being awesome, and I also loathe the idea of you getting messed up on your way to the gym because some rando’ NEP slides into your car and now you’ve got insurance to deal with. And soo. Here’s a home workout!!

Todays original workout is Push Press for Max 3. Tomorrow is quite the huge workout, but not super heavy on pressing.

SO home style, remember the good ole days?

Wall Walks (be kind to your walls) – be smart, know your limits! Be kind to your walls the gym has plywood, you have drywall!
Push-ups – Scale with knee push-ups if need be
Crunches (Old school for sure) – Squeeze your lower back to the floor, and jam your ribs downwards towards your pelvis, give a good squeeze at the top of each rep, they’ll burn like the dickens’. ‘Tis the season for that sort of reference 🙂

Max Rounds in 12 Minutes of:
3 Wall Walks
21 Push-ups
21 Crunches