Nothing so special this week! YAY! Come train and get after it. Got any friends who need fitness? We’ve got that!!

Monday: Jerry – try doing this one on the treadmill!! HA! Seriously though, if you want to do the 2 Mile Run on the tread for a gym record, please do it!
Tuesday: Grace
Wednesday: 20-18-16…4-2 of Push-ups, and 2-4-6…18-20 of Pistols (Alternating) For Time
Thursday: 7 Horizontal Ring Rows, 7 Ring Dips, 21 One DB Lateral Box Step Overs 50/35
Friday: Deadlift Max 3
Saturday: Buddy Buddy Front Squats 45/95/135/185/225/275 3 Rounds of 5×5