Yo! We’re gonna have two options for y’all! 8:00am at Turn It Loose for the morning crews, and then the 4:00pm option will be at Lynnwood with a BBQ to follow about 4:45pm-ish as people finish up. You’re welcome to any and all options, come at 8:00am for the workout, then turn up for the BBQ, cool! Come at 8:00am then go about your day off, cool! Come at 4:00pm at Lynnwood and smash, then refill your glycogen stores with tasty chow, cool! The only uncool thing is to not do Murph on Monday. Hehe 🙂

BBQ Details: Gym’s got the meats, if you want to bring, salty-crunchies, fizzy drinks, desserts etc. Please do!

Otherwise, Monday the 27th the gym is closed, no other classes. Thanks!!!


Monday: Lynne

Tuesday: For Time: 10/8/6/4/2 Pressing Snatch Balances 95/65 and 10/20/30/40/50 Double Unders

Wednesday: Every 2 Minutes for 20 Minutes: Max L-Support on Rings, 15ft Handstand Walk, 12 KB Swings 70/53

Thursday: Wood 5 Rounds For Time, 400 meter Run, 10 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20 in), 10 Sumo-Deadlift High-Pulls (95/65 lb), 10 Thrusters (95/65 lb), 1 minute Rest

Friday: 4 Rounds for Max GHD Sit-ups 2 Minutes Work/ 1 Minute rest: Row 400m, Max GHD Sit-ups

Saturday: Max Get-ups in 25 Minutes: Teams of 3: Partner 1 and 2 400m Together, each Carrying a weight plate (45/25), Partner 3 Does Max Turkish Get-ups 53/36. Partner 1 becomes partner 2, partner 2 becomes partner 3, and partner 3 becomes partner 1.