And just like that, it’s almost over! Bittersweet for sure. Remember: Nutrition Talk Wednesday the 19th 6:15pm, yourself and +1s are great to come. If you’re bringing kids, this isn’t the time to stick to your guns on being device free (the gym is too fun for kids to be unplugged, it’ll be super distracting). A few people have asked me “is this going to be like CrossFit nutrition?” The subject of the talk is on foods relation to stress, hormones, gym results, different diseases (osteoporosis and dementia etc.) and what you can do to combat these ills.

LOOMING FITNESS CHALLENGE: 5k Run March 29th! If you wanna start training a little bit, some running would do you well, how about 1 minute running, 2 minutes walking for 15-24 minutes? We’ll do some more warm-ups that way in the gym, but it’s about to get consistently more nice out, which means running is back on the menu!

Monday: For Time: Row 35/25 Cals, 30 Toe to Bars, Row 35/25 Cals, 8 Wall Walks, Row 35/25 Cals, 30 Power Snatches 115/75

Tuesday: Clean Max 3

Wednesday: Max Rounds in 10 Minutes of: 12 Sumo DL High Pull 75/55, 12 Overheqd Squat 75/55, 12 Push Press 75/55

Thursday: Gymnastics! L-Sit, Cartwheel, Skin the Cat, Pistols

Friday: 25.3

Saturday: TBD