Congrats to everyone who rowed on Sunday!! It’s a grind, but I hope you had a good time, enjoyed the sun (clouds at 11:30!), and had a tasty sammy to fill the tummy! BIG THANKS TO CC, and everyone who pitched in with food, a rower, support!

This coming week is like the “calm” before the storm. The CrossFit Games are after this week! So stay tuned to loads of noise from the internet, and me being gone, but it’ll be awesome 🙂


Monday: Ledesma AMRAP in 20 minutes, 5 Parallette Handstand Push-Ups (6″ Deficit), 10 Toes Through Rings, 15 Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14 lb)

Tuesday: Hang Power Snatch Max 2 – Gotta hang onto it!

Wednesday: Angie: For Time, 100 Pull-ups, 100 Push-ups, 100 Sit-ups, 100 Air Squats (no you can’t break them up!)

Thursday: Deadlift Max 5

Friday: Drag Races! 21 KB Swings 53/35, 400m Run, 5 Rounds each for time, rest as needed.

Saturday: 3 Buddies! 50 Double Unders Causes the rotation. Max Turkish Get-ups and L-Hang for the buddies. Max TGU’s in 15 Minutes