Yo! You guys are awesome.

Wednesday: CHAD!

There will be two “blocks.” to do Chad 🙂 5-8am (gotta start by 7:00am at the latest, be early to get setup!), and 4-6pm (gotta start by 5:00pm at the latest, be there early so you can get set up!!). What the “block” is: a period of time when Chad is being done. Chad’s kind of a solo endeavor (I think it’s meant to be reflective that way too) you come in, check in, talk with your coach about what your plan is, get advised, revise/approved, get set up and then have at it. It takes about an hour.

There will not be an 8:30 am class today, thanks guys!!!

SCALING: I like to try and get 1000 reps. If you’ve hiked a mile before, you’ve taken 1000 steps, it’s the height and the weight that will mess you up. Reduce both if necessary. I’m not saying everyone HAS to do 1000 steps. If you wanna do 500 steps as Rx’d, I’d say drop the backpack and do the 1000. If it’s one of your first few workouts, I’d say do X per minute for maybe 20-30 minutes. I’d say 10 or less steps. At a good clip people can get 20 a minute, at the beginning your legs will hate at that pace. Just a heads up.

This workout is as mental as it is physical guys. Come in with your head on straight, ready to grind hard, and to enjoy the feeling of getting done.

https://www.stepupfoundation.org/ is the place to donate too if you’re so inclined. It’s to benefit supporting veterans, families and preventing suicide.


Monday: Max Rounds in 10 Minutes of: 7 Ring Dips 25/15 and 7 Toes to Bars

Tuesday: Rowing: Set 1: 4 Minutes, Row 500m rest the remaining. Set 2: 8 minutes, Row 1000m Rest the remaining, Set 3: 12 Minutes, Row 1500m rest remaining, Set 4: Row 2k

Wednesday: Chad 1000x

Thursday: Military Press for Max 1, accessories to follow.

Friday: 10 Rounds for Time: 200m Run, 20 Push-ups, 200m Run 18 Push-ups, 200m Run 16 Push-ups, ….. 200m Run 2 Push-ups

Saturday: Max Reps in 15 minutes: 40 KB Swings (53/36) Causes the Rotation: Max Double unders, Max Pull-ups