You guys are awesome! Chad is a huge workout, and you guys smashed it! You didn’t seem too blown up sore, no one had issues during the workout (emotional or otherwise!) y’all just came, stepped it out like champions, and then went on about your day. WOW. So you can hike 🙂

Looking ahead: we’ve got about 100 days until the new year. How do you want to finish this year? I’ve certainly got my short list of goals, and I sincerely hope you have yours too. Here’s to making the changes you need to see the progress you want, and also to continuing to do the things that are serving you well!

Rock it.


Monday: Sumo DL High Pull 1 RM

Tuesday: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: 10 Power Snatch 95/65, 10 Toes to Bar, 40 Double Unders

Wednesday: 50/40/30/20/10 For Time of: Hang Power Clean 75/55, Push Press 75/55

Thursday: 3 Rounds: 2 Minutes Plank, 2 Minutes C2 Bike, 2 Minutes Ski, 2 Minutes Row, 200m-ish Bag Carry (distance should take around 2:00 Minutes, no need to be exacting here), Rest 2 Minutes

Friday: For Time: Accumulate 3 minutes in an L-Sit. Each time you break, 40 Air Squats

Saturday: Buddy Buddy Snatch Mayhem: Start with an empty bar. Each buddy does three full snatches. Then add 5lbs (2.5’s), each buddy does 3 reps. Then add 5 (take off 2.5’s add 5’s), each buddy does 3. How far can you get?