by Jesse | Jan 29, 2023 | WOD
How is that possible. We literally just got here. I’m not going to break down the workouts this week. Not for mystery’s sake, but because you should know them by now!! Maybe not Nate, but Fran and Fight Gone Bad should be known entities. There, I’m...
by Jesse | Jan 22, 2023 | WOD
Lots of PR’s on the 5k Row, and much fun was had walking in the winter wonderland of Snoqualmie! Very cool stuff team. Proud of us! The ROW WAS FREAKING COLD YOU GUYS! A little happy medium would be nice, maybe 50 degress sometime? I’ll work on that 🙂...
by Jesse | Jan 10, 2023 | WOD
We’ve found the place! It has an easier loop for beginners and those who aren’t excited about the way DOWN, and it has a harder section for those more excited by the UPS 🙂 A: Gold Creek Pond Loop 1: Upper Gold Creek Valley Both use the same parking, Google...
by Jesse | Jan 8, 2023 | WOD
Looking ahead guys, we’ve got four cool things coming up! 1) Martin Luther King Day! Monday the 16th. We’ll do a reduced schedule, 6am and 4:00pm. Power to the People! 2) 5K Row Event! Remember last year about this time, we took the rowers over to that...
by Jesse | Dec 31, 2022 | WOD
Happy New Year!! How Fit Can You Be in 2023! I’m a mess. Here we go guys, we’ve got 297 Days to smash workouts this year. I intend to make a mark 🙂 We’re to be closed for Spring Break and Winter Break just like last year, that worked out perfectly!...
by Jesse | Dec 25, 2022 | WOD
Hey guys, I’m sorry that last week was so nasty with the weather and closures and all that crappiness. I hope you all made it through unscathed, power intact and no car damage or bruised parts from falling and slipping! I want to take this open forum to express...
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