
Thanks for last week, what a hustle, but we did it in fine style, big thanks for the few of y’all that popped over to Lynnwood to bolster the crew! Super rad. Tom, Ron, Max, I hope I didn’t forget anyone else!! Big thanks guys. Sorry for any anxiety I caused with my posting, please remember though, if there’s major schedule changes, this website, and this page itself, will be where things are posted in grave detail 🙂

LIKE THE EDMONDS 4TH OF JULY 5K RUN!! Google it, register for it, it’s 8:10am on July 4th, no you can’t just show up the day of, register ahead of time, and come have fun running, as if that was possible! HA 🙂


Monday: GHD Run Down and Max 5 Military Press

Tuesday: 50 Cross Over Singles, 10 Muscle-ups, 50 KB Swings 53/36, 3 Rounds for Time

Wednesday: Cindy

Thursday: Christine

Friday: Gymnastics Day! 15 Minutes: Scales and Planks, Pistols, Inversions, and Rope Climbing

Saturday: “369th HellFighters”: 1500 Seconds (one for each casualty), 191 Days in the trenches, longer than any other American unit, 3/6/9 for the 369th Infantry. Enjoy this one!! Max Rounds in 1500 Seconds (25 minutes) starting with 191 Double Unders then: 3 Power Snatches 135/95, 6 Toes to Bar, 9 Box Jumps/Step-ups 24/20