Alright, it’s not that new, but there’s a bunch things that are new, and lots more that have been improved!! BIG BIG thanks to Tom! He came through heavy on two occasions and basically saved the day. Both with anchors and with moving very heavy things (some things even I have a tough time moving!) Also, I hate painting and so I always look to cut corners, Manolo and his crew are amazing, as you’re about to find out. Big shout out to Dan and Jen for major cleaning of the flooring over the weekend! I’m downtown this weekend teaching a course, so they came through TOUGH and made the floor cleaner that it’s been in months I’m sure.

So welcome back from Spring Break! Now let the beatdowns continue!!!

The Workouts!

Monday: Elizabeth For time: 21-15-9 Power Cleans 135/95, Ring dips
Tuesday: STONES DAY!
Wednesday: Nicole Max Rounds in 20 minutes of: 400m run, max reps pull-ups
Thursday: Push Jerk for Max 1
Friday: Karen For time: 150 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 – 10’/9′
Saturday: Row/Push-up team workout. Partner up. Row 250m, do 15 Push-Ups 8 Rounds for Time.

Big thanks for last week guys, it was a super grind (12-14 hour days Sun-Thur, TGIF if was like only 8!) but we got so much done. I hope you had a good time following along on IG it was fun posting, don’t get use to it 🙂 The next time we’ll be closing is for the week between Christmas and New Years. PLAN FOR IT. Take a trip, book that AirBnb right now, call your long lost cousin and start repairing your family so you can visit during that week. See? I’m here to help 🙂

Let’s CRUSH this week and get back to it! Murph is coming!