I’m so stoked for you guys 🙂 I’m sounding like C.C.! Things to plan for: Saturday May 28th, MURPH is happening! Location TBD, but I’m trying to find a location that has a track and a legitimate pull-up bar. If you can think of a place, let me know ASAP. There will totally be a BBQ following the final heat, maybe concurrently happening, but at any rate, prepare to bring a tasty side, the gym will cover grilling, meat, brats, and La Croix. Be stoked, do some extra push-ups, trust me. Lynnwood is probably the fall back place, the run is perfect (safe, round 1 mile course) lots and lots of pull-up bars of all heights, and grilling is really easy there too. Help me find a spot!


Monday: Filthy 50’s, but in reverse order! It really is way different.

Tuesday: 30 Ring Muscle-Ups for time, we did heavy dips and pull-ups last week, so come play with putting them together!

Wednesday: “Coe” 10 Rounds for Time: 10 Thrusters 95/65, 10 Ring Push-Ups

Thursday: For Time: 800m Run, 50 Deadlifts 185/135, 1000m Row

Friday: Max Rounds in 10 Minutes of: 15ft Handstand Walk, 15 DB Box Step Over 50/35, 15 GHD Sit-ups

Saturday: Buddy Buddy Bench Press 5 Sets of 5, 3x.