Thanks for making Murph amazing! We had 42 people in total come through and dominate!! So cool I haven’t been around that kind of energy in a while, and it was good! It was palpable in the gym afterwards, everyone sitting around on boxes, smashing burgers and sides, hitting a fizzy water, laughing and carrying on 🙂 Even a few old friends crashed the party! Always cool to have events for that reason, you never know who’s gonna turn up! Thanks

Friends and Family Week! The week after this one: June 6th through 11th!

It’s gonna cost a fortune in payroll but we’re going to double staff the classes that week so that we have an extra hand on deck to help with waivers, extra questions, more attention to scaling, everything that you wish you’d have had when you first joined up 🙂 Or if you’re a crazy person (like so many of us) where your first workout you were WRECKED and you instantly loved it, remember (please) that most/many people do not love this feeling, and are looking to be built up into the program as opposed to utterly annihilated by it. These people should have and love CrossFit too! This is why we’re doing this week this way! To help the timid, beat up, tried before and hated it, spouses, cousins, that one guy from work, you name it! Your referrals are ultimately how this gym will thrive and afford new equipment, on going coaches training, events, further additions to the building etc. etc. Remember: it’s capitalism, grow or die. We need your help!

Please let me know how I can help you with your friends. Our website is solid, the pictures are OK, the coaches are in there, the content is from the heart and sound. The schedule is right, the blog is updated etc. I’ve gotten a facebook group going, and instagram etc. But these things aren’t what’s needed. What’s needed is “hey, I go at 7:00am, come with me!” Or “yeah they have classes, 3, 4, and 5pm M/W/F, which one are you gonna jump into?” Or, “yeah, text Jesse. Here’s his number, he’s nuts, but the good kind, and he can answer that question.” The old “yeah, check them out on Instagram.” Probably isn’t gonna work 🙂


Monday: CLOSED

Tuesday: Drag Races: 5 Squat Snatches (how much can you use?) into 400m Row, rest (coach runs this), repeat 5x

Wednesday: 3 Ring Muscle-ups/Strict Pull-ups, 5 Handstand Push-ups, 7 Front Squats 135/95 Max Rounds in 12 Minutes

Thursday: 3 Rounds for Time of: 600m Run, 40 Overhead Lunges 45/25, 20 Box Jumps 24″/20″

Friday: “Lynne” 5 rounds for Max Reps: Bench Press bw/.75bw, Pull-ups, rest as needed between rounds

Saturday: Fight Gone Bad!!!