Terrible Dad Joke.

Remember guys, next week is Renovations week. April 2-8th I’m going to avoid a full rant here, but please understand that I am a singular human, and both gyms need major work. I listed the jobs below, in looking at them, I agree, they don’t seem as if they would take much time. But drilling into walls, building things, painting things, buying the stuff, it all takes loads of time. I’m fully aware of how much better it would be to close only one gym at a time, or to run early/late classes while the renovations are taking place. I sincerely ask you to think of me as a human, and then take two weeks of me doing AMs as a fitness guy, switching into contractor laborer mode from 8am until 4:00pm then switching back into gym guy mode until 6:00pm. I know I could just have the other coaches teach all the classes, but, cleaning the gyms up to get them ready to have classes in slows the jobs down immensely. We’re gonna need to paint over 100ft of trim board at Edmonds, and repaint the trim on the glass board where the spider is, stinky! We’ve got a heckuva carpentry project planned, sawdust etc, the main pull-up rig at LCF will be off the wall. Construction sites are generally considered dangerous, and this is why I don’t get to do big jobs at the gym until this time each year, it’s a major hustle. Thank you for being patient with me, and respecting the edict to stay gone 🙂

If you’re gone on vacation, enjoy it!! Thanks for scheduling your trips around this closure, it puts my mind at ease big time to know that my crew is off enjoying themselves and their families rather than being at home wishing their gym was open to smash workouts.

The Main Jobs are these:
Stabilize and Reattach Pull-up Rig
Remove Spider from Behind Glass Boards
Build Gear Holder
Deep Clean Joint

Med Ball Holder on Wall
Replace one Bay of Lights
Move Hangers (Barbell, bands, etc.)
Bring out DBs, Move Plates, and Barbell Rack
WhiteBoards and Trim, leaderboard


Monday: Hang Squat Snatch x5

Tuesday: SUN!! Farmers Walk – Run Relay. The Farmer’s Carry has to go 800m. Buddy 1 takes off running, buddy two takes off carrying the DB’s, KB’s, or whatever. When buddy 1 catches up to buddy 2, they switch, buddy 2 runs and buddy 1 carries the bells until buddy 2 catches up again, and they switch. Once the bells have made 800m, TIME!

Wednesday: Angie 100 Pull-ups, 100 Push Ups, 100 Sit-ups, 100 Air Squats. A good scale especially when banded or knee push-ups, is 60/60/100/100. Rock it.

Thursday: Deadlifts Max 5

Friday: Max Rounds in 12 Minutes of: 9 Toes to Bar, 9 KB/DB Push Press 50/35, 9 Burpees

Saturday: Teams of 2: 5 Bench Press, 5 Power Cleans – do it like Buddy Buddy where you go 5/5, then your buddy goes 5/5, add weight to both, then do 5/5, and 5/5 etc. 3 Rounds of 5/5, only 4 sets on the way up: at 115/135/155/185 – 75/95/105/135