
Monday: Push Press x5

Tuesday: For Time: 70 Burpees, 50 KB Swings 53/36, 30 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Wednesday: For Time: 800m Run, 50 Lateral 20″ Step-Overs with 35’s/25’s, 30 Wall Ball Shots 20-10’/14-9′, 400m Run, 25 Lateral 20″ Step-Overs with 35’s/25’s, 15 Wall Ball Shots 20-10’/14-9’

Thursday: 1 Minute at each station, 3 Rounds for Reps: Bike Cals, Hand Release Push-ups, Ski Cals, Plank Reaches, Jump Throughs on P-Lets, Rest

Friday: Power Snatch x2 -then- Jackie!

Saturday: CrossFit Total: Max Squat, Press and Deadlift. In an hour! Good luck 🙂
For Saturday, budget 1:15 minutes for timing here. You guys will want to take forever, and John is gonna push you through it as quickly as he can. Remember, this isn’t about your true maxes, it’s about your TOTAL in the class session. Plan accordingly Omar.