You guys really are the best, thanks so much for your positivity and willingness to take care of your community, and the building that houses it. You guys humble me and motivate me way too much. Thanks. Here’s the weekly reveal of the to-be drubbings 🙂

Monday: Max 5 Bar Dip, Work to your GHD number in even sets between.

Tuesday: Max Clean and Jerks in 10 minutes like this: 30 CnJ 135/95, Row 1000m, 30 CnJ 135/95

Wednesday: 5 Rounds for time of: 400m Run, 12 Back Squats 225/155

Thursday: Jerk for Max 1, use the blocks! Makeshift ones at TIL.

Friday: “Ledesma” AMRAP in 20 minutes, 5 Parallette Handstand Push-Ups (6″ Deficit), 10 Toes Through Rings, 15 Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14 lb)

Saturday: With a buddy, trade rounds, Run 200m, Max Strict Pull-ups, Banded or Heavy Ring Rows, Max Reps in 20 minutes – no kipping!!