CrossFit Games! It’s this week, I think it starts Tuesday technically, but whatever, I’ll be there Sunday getting after it, look for me in the background! I’ll be the REALLY tall guy in the beard and sunglasses, looking terribly normal, next to the worlds fittest athletes.

John! I’m really proud of how we’ve taken the ruddy youth under our wing you guys 🙂 You should be proud too. He’ll be around this week and a little next week and then that’s it 🙁

10K ROW EVENT! August 12th, get your dates right, next next Saturday. I’ll get the details out, the main issue is parking, so if you can carpool or park at the Edmonds Gym and then walk over (it’s 600 meters) that’s super easy. All the details will be laid out, fear not. It would help however if you sent me an email to make sure that I have it, so that getting you directions, your heat schedule, when you actually row and who with (Annie?), and all that good stuff would be easier. The Gyms will be closed for Classes that Saturday.

***LAST BUT NOT LEAST*** Augusts 20 WOD Challenge!! Simple (not easy!!!) challenge guys: Aug 1 (Tuesday) through Aug 31st (Thursday) try to get in 20 workouts in the gym! How do we track it?! Put your name on the whiteboard (the one above the weights) and start a list of dates after your name. Tuesday September 5th we’ll have a tallying and final reckoning and announce who the bad asses are who made it 20 or more times! Yes, the 10k Row Counts as one of the 20, hell, let’s count that bad boy for two!


Monday: Row 1:00 on, 1:20 off, 12 Rounds each for distance
Tuesday: Push Press Max 5
Wednesday: Helen
Thursday: For Time: 50 Alt. DB Snatches 45/35, 40 Box Jumps 24/20, 30 Burpees, 60 DB Box Step Overs 24″-45#/20″-35#, 30 Burpees, 40 Box Jumps, 50 Alt. DB Snatches 45/35
***Carry only 1 DB for the Step Overs***
Friday: 5, 4 Minute Periods, Rest 1 Minute between each: Max Double Unders, Max Time in Plank, Max Cals Ski, Max Time in Back Plank, Max Distance C2 Bike
Saturday “Buddy Buddy” Front Squats 3 rounds of 5 sets of 5, 95/65, 135/96, 185/135, 225/155, 275/185