Murph is next week!

Yo! We’re gonna have two options for y’all! 8:00am at Turn It Loose for the morning crews, and then the 4:00pm option will be at Lynnwood with a BBQ to follow about 4:45pm-ish as people finish up. You’re welcome to any and all options, come at 8:00am...

Mid-May!? Fun time having flies, so the frog sayeth

Workouts: Monday: Deadlift for Max Tuesday: Max Rounds in 10 Minutes of: 3 Bar Muscle-Ups, 3 Box Jumps 30/24, 3 HSPU Hands on 45lb Plates Wednesday: Nakba Day: For Time: 974m Row, 5 Rounds of: 15 HSQCL 75/55, 31 Ab Mat Sit-ups, 70 Dubs, 974m Row to Finish Thursday:...

Happy belated Cinco de Mayo!

Did you guys celebrate May 4th? Like May the Fourth be with you? Too nerdy? Workouts: Monday: Bull: LCF as Rx’d For Time of 200 Double-Unders, 50 Overhead Squats (135/95 lb), 50 Pull-Ups, 1 mile Run Tuesday: Hang Squat Clean for Max Wednesday: Jackie Thursday:...

Last week of April, May flowers?

I went to two memorials this weekend, loads of emotion man. REMINDER: it sure is smart to set aside some things for the future, plan ahead and all that, but you sure as hell better live for right now too. Wyatt Earp got told to “live,” by Doc Holiday on...

The week of April 22nd!!

Stoked for springtime!! Sun is so good. Here’s to some hard workouts! Cheers! Workouts: Monday: Clean Max 3 Tuesday: Drag Races: 5 Push Press (as heavy as you can go), run 200m. Gotta do 5 rounds, rest as needed Wednesday: 4 Rounds of 4 Turkish Get-ups 53/35, 40...